My wife has PD with the typical symptoms, however no DNA that leans toward the genetic markers of PD. Her sister suffers from advanced gastroparesis. No motor or other symptoms related to PD. Has never been considered for PD. The connection is that their father work is the Natural Gas pump stations all during their childhood. Always around the ingredient used to give Natural Gas the odor, which considering his car snd work clothes always carried that odor. Any chance this could be related to that chemical exposure?
Gastroparesis as single sx of PD? - Cure Parkinson's
Gastroparesis as single sx of PD?

So sorry to hear about your wife and her sister. Did their father get PD?
Actually her Father was diagnosed with some undefined neurological problem non cardiac syncope. Which later in life was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and also her Mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. But I do recall her Father had a altered gait, slight tremors and pill rolling. In hindsight I really believed it was PD. But had it been hereditary wouldn't my wives DNA results have had positive PD markers? BTW: thank you Bolt for responding you seem to be well versed in PD knowledge.
Thanks Furch. I was not thinking hereditary. I was going with your observation of a shared toxin exposure. It would make sense the Mother was affected also.
I'm not saying it was the chemical exposure, but it does make sense.
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What chemical is put in natural gas to make it smell?
Natural gas in its native state is colorless and odorless. Mercaptan is the additive that is added to natural gas to make it easier to detect in case of a leak. The most important thing to know about mercaptan is that it stinks. Some people compare it to the smell of rotten eggs.