Doc. Fancellu : Dr Fancellu of Italy This... - Cure Parkinson's

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Doc. Fancellu

5 Replies

Dr Fancellu of Italy

This is not a recommendation as I do not have full info or reports from members regarding Dr Fancellu.

5 Replies
Fed1000 profile image

I wrote about my visit from Dr. Fancellu a year ago.

Pa-zzi69 profile image

Hello RoyProp.- Curious to know the reason for your interest in Dott. Roberto Fancellu.

In any case:

- I consulted with him in person as a PwP in June of last year, in the hospital San Martino in Genova, thanks to super-friendly arrangements made by one of his local Italian PwP patients and healthunlocked member LuckyLuke. He confirmed my Parkinson's and later reliably advised me via e-mail, at no charge, on adjustments to Dr Costantini’s Thiamine HCL B1 protocol. He is a neurologist, a calm and collected, personable man, probably in his mid-fifties. My one hour consultation cost 125 euros.

- He was involved in Dr Costantini’s early research on B1, as evidenced by his name associated with a scientific paper.

- Last June he was visited in person by healthunlocked 9Rafiki9 who was about to embark on Dr Costantini’s Thiamine HCL B1 protocol.

- Last June, LuckyLuke spoke with Dr. Fancellu about the possibility of remote/virtual consultations for a fee. Dr. Fancellu indicated no problem regarding the technology in place at the hospital, but that he had to ask for authorization on the logistics (registrations of patients, payments etc). I have not heard since.

in reply to Pa-zzi69

On behalf of my FB group of PwP

Berylhorsey1 profile image

hi, I have just returned from Genova having seen Dr Fancellu , And thought I would share my visit with other PWP. we decided to stay in Nice as a base and so consequently travelled to Genova by train. This was the easiest way to get there and lovely scenery on the way, but it did take four hours! It was easy to get an appointment with Dr Fancellu, and we did this via his secretary on

The train cost is €26 one way and we got a taxi from Príncipe station to the hospital which was €12 and took about seven minutes. Once there they had all my records to hand and we had to wait barely 15 minutes to see Dr Fanucellu. A quietly spoken, nice man who asked me several questions about my diagnosis and then looked at my walking my joints my reflexes et cetera. He didn’t disagree with the Parkinsons diagnosis, and I had had a DAT scan at the start of this journey anyway, which was conclusive. I have had Parkinson since 2012 and still am representing as number one on theHones and Yahr scale. He said he could find no evidence of the side-effects of Parkinson’s, except a slight cogwheel feeling in my wrists. We Then went through how I take my tablets and he was full of suggestions. I’m going to up my dose of B1 from 6 to 7 tablets per day and he felt that if I found things were not improving anymore I should take the sublingual B1 100 kg once in the morning. He said this was absorbed better into the body was less effect on my gastric Organs. He suggested superior sauce as a make for the sub lingual tablet. He also said that I should be doing an hours exercise walking swimming or cycling per day and drink 2 L of water per day. I take Resveratrol, and was concerned as I had read detrimentally to its long-term effects. Dr F said it was okay to take long term but I could also alternate it with COQ 10 or similar. I asked him about the long-term effects of B1 and he could only advise me that he has had patients on the B1 protocol for 10+ years so we know that it works for that length of time. I have been on it for five years. my experience with B1 is only positive. it has turned my life around and more or less all my symptoms have gone. The consultation with Dr F cost me €125 and I think it was worth every penny. Bear in mind also that I had sent Dr Constantini two videos received several emails back from him regarding his suggestions of what I should do all of which was free. As I was leaving Dr F he said I could email him at any time or come and see him again if I wanted to. As I live in England I think I may not see him again but it is nice to feel I can email him with a query. I hope this has been useful to some of you. Just a very positive day for me. Onwards and upwards.

Sandmanliz profile image

thank you so much!! Does he speak English? Yes, I am an ugly american but my Spanish isn’t bad:). I don’t want to be rude and show up waisting his time. Liz in Colórado

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