This is one of the best (and largely unknown) medical channels on YouTube:
Dr Brad Stanfield, M.D.
His videos are short and very informative.
This is one of the best (and largely unknown) medical channels on YouTube:
Dr Brad Stanfield, M.D.
His videos are short and very informative.
The dosing levels of the four supplements they are using in this study are very high!
12.35 Grams L-Serine or 24.7 grams per day in second phase of study
1 Gram Nicotinamide Riboside or 2 grams per day in second phase
2.55 Grams N Acetylcysteine (NAC) or 5.1 grams per day in second phase
3.73 Grams L-Carnitine Tartrate or 7.46 grams per day in second phase
Love short, to the point videos.
Here is the study: Combined metabolic activators improve cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase-II trial 2023
Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is associated with metabolic abnormalities linked to critical elements of neurodegeneration. We recently administered combined metabolic activators (CMA) to the AD rat model and observed that CMA improves the AD-associated histological parameters in the animals. CMA promotes mitochondrial fatty acid uptake from the cytosol, facilitates fatty acid oxidation in the mitochondria, and alleviates oxidative stress.
Methods: Here, we designed a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase-II clinical trial and studied the effect of CMA administration on the global metabolism of AD patients. One-dose CMA included 12.35 g L-serine (61.75%), 1 g nicotinamide riboside (5%), 2.55 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine (12.75%), and 3.73 g L-carnitine tartrate (18.65%). AD patients received one dose of CMA or placebo daily during the first 28 days and twice daily between day 28 and day 84. The primary endpoint was the difference in the cognitive function and daily living activity scores between the placebo and the treatment arms. The secondary aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and tolerability of CMA. A comprehensive plasma metabolome and proteome analysis was also performed to evaluate the efficacy of the CMA in AD patients.
Results: We showed a significant decrease of AD Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) score on day 84 vs day 0 (P = 0.00001, 29% improvement) in the CMA group. Moreover, there was a significant decline (P = 0.0073) in ADAS-Cog scores (improvement of cognitive functions) in the CMA compared to the placebo group in patients with higher ADAS-Cog scores. Improved cognitive functions in AD patients were supported by the relevant alterations in the hippocampal volumes and cortical thickness based on imaging analysis. Moreover, the plasma levels of proteins and metabolites associated with NAD + and glutathione metabolism were significantly improved after CMA treatment.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that treatment of AD patients with CMA can lead to enhanced cognitive functions and improved clinical parameters associated with phenomics, metabolomics, proteomics and imaging analysis.
29% IMPROVEMENT in AD with just '4' over the counter supplements is a FRICKEN MIRACLE!!!
WAIT-WAIT WAIT! i READ THIS WRONG! (I said it was confusing). TAKE 2!
"Both placebo and CMA were provided in powdered form in identical plastic bottles containing a single dose to be dissolved in water and taken orally, one dose in the morning after breakfast and one dose in the evening after dinner. Each dose of CMA contained 12.35 g L-serine (61.75%), 1 g nicotinamide riboside (5%), 2.55 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine (12.75%), and 3.73 g L-carnitine tartrate (18.65%). All patients received one dose daily after dinner during the first 28 days and two doses after breakfast and dinner, respectively, from day 28 to day 84. "
So if I am reading this correctly, on days 1-27 they take 1 dose CMA after dinner. Then days 28-84 1 dose CMA after breakfast and 1 dose CMA after dinner.
Each dose of CMA contained 12.35 g L-serine, 1 g nicotinamide riboside, 2.55 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and 3.73 g L-carnitine tartrate.
So... Days 1-27 your total is: 12.35 g L-serine, 1 g nicotinamide riboside, 2.55 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and 3.73 g L-carnitine tartrate.
And... Days 28-84 your total is: 24.70 g L-serine, 2 g nicotinamide riboside, 5.1 g N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and 7.46 g L-carnitine tartrate.
A kilo of L-Serine costs $66 at Amazon. At 25 grams a day that will last 40 days. So let's say $50 a month for L-Serine.
You can get 60 servings (120 capsules) of Aquifoly Liposomal Nicotinamide Riboside Supplement 1500 mg for $33.
So to hit 2 grams you could take 2 capsules one day (1.5 grams) and 3 capsules the other day (2.25 grams). So a month would be 75 capsules a month, so that is about $22 a month.
5.1 grams of NAC a day. You can get a kilogram of NAC for about $200. You would use about 150 grams a month, so you are looking at about $33 a month for NAC.
that's the cheapest bargain on planet earth to maintain your sanity
i bought mine direct from China through Ebay -- i'm saving a TON of money!
If I may state something before everyone gets carried away. People should be careful of just purchasing supplements in any form from China. This is fraught with danger. They have a poor track record of providing purity in their medications / supplements. You get what you pay for, so when some of you are looking at the cheapest option you are also looking at the poorest quality. Therefore you will not get similar benefits as per any studies. Please consider any other country than China, otherwise you will be not giving your body the best chances.
that's good advice... i thoroughly checked this company out... and 90% of the Amazon vitamins come from China... or India... or other foreign countries... i don't even trust most of the USA vitamins... go here to find the best companies:
Labdoor is too controversial and I prefer a more reputable company like "Consumer Lab".
Labdoor is not that transparent, and they have questionable testing methodologies.
Again you get what you pay for:
Free Labdoor
Paid service Consumer Lab.
Everyone should consider what is best for them, remember the old saying; "nothing is really for free".
Couple of points. OK 3 pointsThe official trial record NCT04044131 has no results posted and refers to AD and PD patients. What happened to the PD patients?
The treatment group improved by 29% but the placebo group improved by 14%.
The conclusion of the trial authors was not "load up on poor quality Chinese supplements" but
"Of note, our results should be interpreted with caution until being confirmed by a randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical trial."