Dr. Ronda Patrick's answer. 14 min video
"Rebuttal to Anti-Vitamin Editorial: "Enough is Enough"
My opinion; Go on Youtube and watch Ronda Patrick videos
Dr. Ronda Patrick's answer. 14 min video
"Rebuttal to Anti-Vitamin Editorial: "Enough is Enough"
My opinion; Go on Youtube and watch Ronda Patrick videos
We need more voices like Rhonda Patrick. She did an awesome job calling out the biased editorial authors and their agenda.
If you want a good one try Hardy’s daily essential nutrients. No they don’t pay me. We have just tried them and they do make a noticeable difference. hardynutritionals.com/produ...
Definitely on the side of supplements.
Isnt the extent to which people here are indifferent or negative about supplements really limited to what supplements can do (or not) for PD?
If we talk about food supplements that is vitamins, minerals and proteins in my opinion they serve to solve deficiencies and are very important for aging well, because nutritional deficiencies make you age prematurely and badly. Stimulants and other substances are not considered supplements.
Come on, Marc,
This is preaching to the choir in my case. I've seen supplements, minerals, vitamins, plant and natural based homeopathy, herbs, AgNPs and combinations of these do plenty of good for people's health to ever think otherwise. If others choose to ignore the above, I have no problem with that, but based on my experience with the above and similars, I am not interested in that opinion. If you look and read, there is plenty of scientific data and anecdotal evidence to support the use of the above. For those that have little to any confidence in anecdotal evidence, I understand that line of thinking, but I think anecdotal evidence is a contributing factor in supporting research into these specific uses for alternatives. I am of course,more interested when the anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence support each other.
Rhonda is right - a lot of dishonest anti-supplement info in medical journals and elsewhere. My writings on the subject:
Junk Science, Bad Reporting Propagate Unhealthy Misinformation Regarding Supplements
A recent survey of the literature entitled Supplemental Vitamins And Minerals For CVD Prevention And Treatment alleged supplements were not useful for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. What they did was to find one weak study that failed to find a significant relationship between vitamin D and improvement in cardiovascular disease. This occurred because they only gave the patients a big dose of vitamin D once every four months. This dominated the survey results and they falsely concluded vitamin D was worthless. They also ignored vitamin K, which is one of the most important supplements for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
How To Create An Invalid Review Of Studies
One way to create an invalid review of studies is to mischaracterize what a key study says. What follows is the detail of how that was done
Schneiderman Denounces Supplements Then Quietly Withdraws Accusations
How the disgraced former NY State Attorney General employed a lizard expert to defame supplements.
I know for a fact that many supplements are powerful and effective. However, you can easily overdo with supplements and also cause unintended imbalance and harm just as easily if you're not very careful.
No amount of fertilizers and sunshine will help a suffering plant if it's flooded with water. If you don't identify the source of your ailment and address the basic needs to heal with careful consideration to fill the missing gap, how will you ever recover from your specific illness no less retard the progression? However, there's always a counterbalance to a forced nutrient, and correcting a dyshomeostasis is often not easy just as it's not easy to swim out from a whirlpool of a diseased state against the current.
"There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance." - Socrates
I am with you and Rhonda Patrick on this. There is a strong suggestion that vitamin D3 will protect PWP from Covid-19, and B12 deficiency is known to cause devastating symptoms rather like PD/MS. I suspect that you have to buy the supplement vitamins individually because the multivitamin supplements tend to major on the cheap vitamins like A, C and D and give you very low levels of the expensive vitamins.
Lastly if you’re unwise enough to be on statins, you should probably be taking CoQ-10 to compensate for the damage done by the statin!
Best regards, Phil 2bats
Check out her Sulforaphane videos...