I was dxd in February 2017 but I felt symptoms few years earlier like intermittent tremor and weakness in the RH hand , the REM disorder , anxiety and lack of energy. In January it was first time when I realized the RH tremor (still intermittent but showing more often) could be something serious. I saw a neuro who said I had ET but I told him straight to send me to a Motion Disorder doctor who said without hesitation I had PD and prescribed C/L which I refused to take. I saw other three doctors during a short period of time; one said ET the other two PD. When I realized I had PD I went down and I was at the point to quit the job as I started having a lot issues: balance, depression, anxiety, insomnia, urinary urgency, foggy mind, lack of concentration, lack of energy etc.
I never believed the supplements or praying to some imaginary gods will make miracles. But starting March 2018 I gave HDT a try without believing in it because I had nothing to loose. I read enough to make sure it was not harmful. After a week I felt more energy and after a month all the symptoms listed above except the tremor went away. I continued to work and I’m still working today even if my job sometimes is very stressful; but per overall, keeping the job helped me more than quitting it. During the lock-down, when I stayed home for three month , I got crazy. If I do a project, especially if it is something new and interesting and keeps my mind busy, the tremor slows down and I feel good. I do not think HDT had a placebo effect in my case because I was pessimistic regarding it; later on I stopped it for three months and the symptoms started to come back.
I’m 65 and I read here about people much younger than me quitting the job to manage the PD. In my case keeping the job helped me but I had to learn to manage the stress. I had one stressful situation when I started to shake like crazy because I made a mistake in a program and I had only 10 minutes before they started production; it was something easy to fix but I was worried someone will see me shaking and that made the things worse; otherwise, most of time I feel okay and the tremor has low amplitude. I noticed that in order to get immune to the stress I had to fight it and not to run away. A year ago I started 3x100/25 C/L a day to help me with the tremor; for long time it did not do anything but lately I feel a little relief if I’m relaxed (If I’m not the C/L does nothing).
That’s why I decided to go for FUS in Switzerland , to get rid of the tremor, the single symptom I have after four years of PD. Yesterday it was supposed to talk with dr. Jeanmonod by phone but we postponed for 11.9.20.
I can fully retire in few months and I think to continue to work on contract basis especially during the winter. I’m electrical/software engineer for auto industry and I’m sure after the elections and after the C19 vaccine is resolved for sure we will have an economic boom in USA. Even at this time I get a lot of offers for full time or contract basis.