Doctors May Have Found Secretive New [Sal... - Cure Parkinson's

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Doctors May Have Found Secretive New [Salivary] Organs in the Center of Your Head.

aspergerian profile image
5 Replies

Doctors May Have Found Secretive New Organs in the Center of Your Head.

They appear to be a fourth pair of large salivary glands, tucked into the space where the nasal cavity meets the throat.

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aspergerian profile image
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5 Replies
aspergerian profile image

Article is open access.

faridaro profile image

Thanks for sharing! Makes you wonder what else do we have that is still undiscovered?

LAJ12345 profile image

Thanks for that! This probably explains the weird thing that has been going on for me for 2 years now where I feel I have fluid building up in the back of my ears on the outside of my eardrums or back of my throat on the upper side of my soft palette. My brain can’t quite figure out where it’s coming from. Doctors have been treating me like I’m completely mad as there is supposedly nothing there but it sounds like I have overactive saliva glands there! I have even been given antianxiety meds because they seem to think it’s in my imagination which I refused to take. Now how do I stop the sensation?

condor39 profile image

The space where the nasal cavity meets the throat is not the ”Centre of the head”.

The remainder of the article is at about the same level of accuracy.

aspergerian profile image

For months, i have sensed that much of my drool saliva comes from the roof of my mouth.

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