Anecdotes and other info wanted.
Starting cbd oil. With thc or without? - Cure Parkinson's
Starting cbd oil. With thc or without?

My understanding, as a new comer to cbd/thc oil is that both work better from a therapeutic standpoint, together. I take a 1:1 ratio product for sleep assistance. The cbd also tones down the psychoactive effect of the thc. The advice I’ve heard repeatedly is “start low and go slow” until you find the right dosage for your needs. It has helped me sleep better (I fall back to sleep quicker when I wake up in the middle of the night. The jury is still out. I live in Canada where cannabis is now fully legal so obtaining it is no problem. Do your research. Cheers.
I am in a very similar situation as you: novice at cannabis, aiming to return to sleep after bathroom interruption in middle of night, experimenting with dosage, under counseling by a naturopath specialist who also prescribed 1:1 THC:CBD oil specifying 1mL max at bedtime, when I feel the need to take a higher dose.
Q: Have you been prescribed a maximum dose, and if so, what is it ?
Age 79 male, 3 yrs since diagnosis, my falling back to sleep is hindered by episodes of mild tremor in my left hand.
Q: Do you have a similar experience ? Do you know if 1:1 THC:CBD oil has the potential to also bring tremor relief ?
I live in California and pay $82 for 1 fl oz [30mL] "300mg cannabidiol + 300mg tetrahydrocannabidol [sic]" by Full Spectrum - Wonder extract. My minimum order size is $150 for free delivery within 25 miles.
Q: What is your product and how much does it cost ?
Please feel free to contact me off-line at
Thanks for sharing !
Marc P.
Same as nabus. I was recommended 1:1 Cbd/thc tincture for sleep. Works pretty well. I started at 2.5 mg thc and 2.5 mg Cbd. Now at around 8/8 and that works for me. Some people do better with more thc in the mix, or just thc for sleep.
Indications may be different for other issues.
I consulted with a very reputable doc who does only cannabis medicine. She does online appointments, PM me if interested in contact info.
I tried 50/50 and it helped with sleep issues but I found its best to take it right before you crawl into bed because if you wait you won't be able to overcome the urge to eat 10 to 20 bags of Cheetos. My sleep issues were finally helped by magnesium L threonate and Melatonin.
Look into CBDmd for CBD. I order on line and have found them to be very reliable. I grow my own THC and add it to a little melted chocolate The bud has to be toasted first before adding to the chocolate..I take it to sleep and they work well together.Just a tiny bite of THC chocolate and I buy the CBD gummies. They are yummy! They also have the oil. It is all legal here in California.
How do you toast the bud? Doesn’t it burn? Do you then crush it and stir it into the chocolate?
Illegal here so can’t buy edibles and I hate inhaling smoke.
If you look it up on the internet, there are several sites that tell you how to do it, and what amount of time, at a VERY low temperature. Then you put the toasted bud in a blender to chop it up. After that, add it to some melted chocolate along with some milk in a pan or microwave to blend it into a bar or into any shape in a container. I then keep it in the refrigerator or freezer.
Don't do what i did the first time. I put the amount i was told to use into chocolate, but i tasted dry bud chopped, (nice and nutty, yum) before, along the way, then I licked the bowl clean afterwards. It ended up being huge overdose. I was flighting a miserable high for about 7 hours. I was immobile and I never have been more miserable; nausea, brain blip, in and out of consciousness.. My husband who had Parkinson's dementia wanted to help me so badly as I lay there, but he couldn't figure out what to do.
I add a tiny bit of chocolate now to my gummy as I chew it. Edibles take longer to start and stay longer in your system. (I am 78 years old!)