4 Natural Supplements That Are as Powerfu... - Cure Parkinson's
4 Natural Supplements That Are as Powerful as Drugs -- as per Healthline

My husband uses berberine and allimed (garlic) to control rosacea alternated week about with a probiotic. It has worked very well, presumably by reducing sugars for bacteria to feed on.
Thank you for posting this, Marc.
I didn’t realise that we can do SO much better with our choice of curcumin.
This is one of those ‘must have’ supplements for depression as well as Parkinson’s, by enhancing its absorption by 2,000%! Amazing!
That's just the start. It is always best to get your nutrients from food. There are some nutrients most of us are deficient in, such as, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, iodine.
Be careful where you buy your curcumin. It has been known to contain lead.
You can read more about berberine here. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Note there is one Study using mouse models that indicates some potential neurological damage from Berberine.
Yes Patman
Berberine is detrimental in rat model of PD with L-DOPA administration:
"These results suggest that berberine leads to the degeneration of dopaminergic neuronal cells in the substantia nigra in the rat model of PD with chronic L-DOPA administration. Long-term L-DOPA therapy that may involve possibly neurotoxic isoquinoline agents including berberine should involve monitoring for adverse symptoms."
I guess this is 1 of those supplements where we get get to choose which studies to go with as there are studies on both sides.
"However, treatment with berberine enhanced motor balance and coordination by preventing dopaminergic neuronal damage. Treatment with berberine also improved short-term memory by inhibiting apoptosis in the hippocampus. Berberine demonstrated maximal potency at 50 mg/kg. Based on these data, treatment with berberine may serve as a potential therapeutic strategy for the alleviation of memory impairment and motor dysfunction in patients with PD."
Treatment with berberine enhanced motor balance and coordination by preventing dopaminergic neuronal damage.
"In this study, we demonstrate that berberine enhances motor balance and coordination by preventing dopaminergic neuronal loss in mice with PD. Berberine further ameliorated short-term memory impairment through the inhibition of apoptosis in the hippocampus. These effects of berberine were observed at doses exceeding 50 mg/kg. Based on the present results, we suggest that berberine may serve as a therapeutic agent for the alleviation of memory impairment and motor dysfunction in patients with PD."
It can be so confusing... I have a brand new unopened botte I decided not to use last year because of rat study. Feeling so sh***ty lately, I might give it a try anyway...
Clearly, there are some benefits, but I'm going to hold off a while until I study the studies more. Lately, I've become not inclined to respond to what happens in mice and rat models. If mice actually had PD, I might feel differently, but otherwise it's just too far removed.
Let us know if you get any detectable results.