Cataract surgery
Has anyone had cataract surgery with Parkinson's disease?
Cataract surgery
Has anyone had cataract surgery with Parkinson's disease?
Yes, my mother had it almost 2 years back when she was 74 yrs. old. Went off very well with no issues during or after the cataract surgery. Her vision became normal and the doctor was very happy even after 4 visits (once every 6 months) telling me that she is doing great and has no issues with optic nerve. Note: Doctor told that many if not all Parkinson's patients do not blink frequently so they get dry eyes that may cause itching or tears/redness. She suggested a simple over the counter eye drops to be used once/twice a day. ' Refresh (Relieva)' is a lubricant and' Opcon-A' for eye allergy have helped my mother. Please talk to the eye doctor.
Had cataract surgery in both eyes 1 1/2 years ago . . . so far no issues with either eye.
Had cataract surgery 3 months ago. All good!
Had cataract surgery 3 years ago. No problem related to PD.
I had both eyes done about 12 months ago and I have PD DXD 10 years ago. No issues whatsoever.
I had cataract surgery on one eye only, as a consequence of other eye surgery. My brain was unable to make the adjustments required - if i wear glasses that fully correct both eyes I have some double vision. The doctors and optometrist attributed this to PD. Time and eye therapy have led to some improvement.
Yes! I had both eyes done over three years ago and have not needed to wear spectacles since then, other than for reading small type.
My husband with PD (65yrs) has this done 3 weeks ago and all went well. He was not an urgent case but wanted to have this done while is left arm tremor is not too bad. He was partially sedated which helped. His is doing well and his eyes are adjusting well.
They discussed his dry eyes (people with PD often don't blink as much or completely close their eyelids when they do) and he gave Gavin drops called Hyabac (in the UK). He also suggested an eye mask that you can heat up in a microwave. This helps soften the lubrication glands in the eye lid so they work better.
I had cataract surgery on my right eye at age 50, about 9 months prior to my PD diagnosis. Almost exactly 3 years after dx, I suffered a complete retinal detachment (including the macula) in the right eye. I have had no issues since that surgery, and my eyesight in that eye is better than ever. I do have a cataract in my left eye that hasn't gotten bad enough for surgery, and I'm hoping to avoid it as long as possible.