I'm just curious I haven't been on the website in a while which I must admit has always helped me. 2 months ago I started eating keto diet and I've been feeling pretty good. I was just wondering if anybody else it's doing it as well as vitamin B1 and can share what they think. I've got Parkinson's for 10 years now I only use mucuna and 2000 mg a day vitamin B1 that's 1000 twice a day. Any input good or bad would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Steven
Keto diet and B1: I'm just curious I haven... - Cure Parkinson's
Keto diet and B1

I had the unfortunate experience of having to pass an oxalate kidney stone two times (separated by a year) while on a long term (multiple years) low carb diet (but not low enough to be ketogenic) (between 50 and 150 grams of carbs per day)... I had never had a kidney stone before this...
So my best advice to anyone eating a low carb diet is to make sure your stay well hydrated and consider avoiding high oxalate foods...
Btw, oxalate kidney stones are the most common type of kidney stone...

Thank you!
Any Mucuna pills ready to buy on the market for PWP ? What% of l dopa should we consider?
Many thanks
Me too-but more of a “keto wanna be” — haven’t gotten full hang of it yet. When I’m on it and my HDT/ B1 I’m soaring !
It sounds like you may have an opinion yourself on the subject???
It's too soon for an opinion art! Obviously I want to benefit from it but I just haven't been doing it long enough to render any opinions. From what I can see there's not a whole lot of studies out there with people eating Keto and having Parkinson's.
If Dr. Costantini is correct about slowing or halting progression with B-1 and it so far appears that he is, you will have more than enough time to test out the keto diet as well as many other diets and health ideas!
One downside I see to the keto diet is that it is much harder to do if you travel much.
Good luck and keep us updated on how you do with the keto diet+ B-1!
What dosage of Mucuna are you taking?

I take three eighths of a teaspoon of the pure l-dopa from nutrivitashop I believe it weighs 1100 mg at least twice a day sometimes three
I've now been on the Keto diet for one month, still figuring it out. I'm up to about 1500 mg of mucuna and 2000 B1. I'm feeling pretty good and seeing improvements, have seen videos of folks with amazing results from ketones.
My husband is on Mucuna, as we want to avoid the chemicals offered in prescription drugs. He is taking 2700 mg. We have been on the Vitamin B1 therapy for almost a week. I have seen significant improvement. He is not so sleepy in the afternoon, in fact, not at all. He is cracking jokes and is animated. He tremor just increased to 'moderate'. I will adjust his dosage of B1 to see if we can get the tremor down to mild or not tremor again. Today he took 500 mg B1 in the morning and 300 mg before lunch. I think we are going to go down to 300 mg in the morning and 300 at lunch. He's the guinea pig.
That's great sounds like you're doing the right thing! What type of mucuna is he taking? 2700 mg is that one dose?
He takes 2600 mg 5 times a day. No side effects. (All pharmaceuticals, including over the counter drugs, have side effects.) We just started the B1 therapy. The first time he tried large dose, on the second day, his tremor was gone! It has since come back, but we are playing with the dose to get those good results again. He is also not sleepy, is more cheerful, animated and walks faster.
That's great but I'm trying to understand what kind of mucuna and how strong it is that he's taking. Where do you buy it and is it mixed with anything else?
We, along with so many others, buy it from Barlowe's Herbs, here in the States. He takes 5-htp and L- tyrosiene. How far are you along? What are your symptoms? Are you on prescriptions? I believe this all makes a difference.
your taking the 40%, yes? Which would be 1040 mg of L-Dopa, yes?
That makes sense I'm taking 1100 mg
Seriously, look at taking HDT . That is high dose thiamine, or Vitamin B1. It has helped 3500 patients in Italy, alone. Their symptoms were reduced greatly, and you will not progress further with the disease. It takes awhile to find the proper dose. We started high and have reduced the mg. As suggested by others, we take Solgar HDT, Hcl.
I take B1 for quite some time now
That's fantastic. Have you found your proper dose? My husband, on day 2 had his tremor stop completely. We are very encouraged. We are reducing B1 to get the proper dose. He is no longer tired. He seems happier and is cracking jokes. We feel this treatment can change the course of Parkinson's. He still has the tremor after a week. When you consider the alternative, we are so fortunate to have been made aware of this treatment. What has been your experience?
40% mucuna 650 mg per capsule. Follow Dr. Marty Hinz's protocol to get started.
Hi- what’s your MP Source, please?
Barlowe's Herbs in the states. When I was researching several years ago, that is the company we chose. They have worked out great for us.
Bepo what dosage do you find effective? Realizing there are many variables involved...
How long have you had Pd? What are your symptoms? Are you on medications? What else are you doing? When we first started on the mucuna, it was a low dose. When we increased the dose he would get sick if he didn't take 5-htp and tyroseine. He was the guinea pig. We are now excited about the B1 therapy. So easy. So inexpensive. We hope to reduce the mucuna.
Thanks Steven.