What is PD?
What is Parkinsons Disease? What are the ... - Cure Parkinson's
What is Parkinsons Disease? What are the Symtoms of PD? What is the effect of PD on Life Expectancy?

The quickest way to find out all you need to know about Pd is to view my website - reverseparkinsons.net and contact me and I will tell you everything you need to know and need to do to overcome most of the symptoms. It will cost you nothing and is a viable alternative to medications, with all its side effects.
Not really a decease, more an inconvenience really . Some minor symptoms like being unable to run fast. You can consume various vegetables that have naturally occurring Levadopa and exercise by walking fast and while not a cure it eliminates the symptoms and allows for a normal life. Coconut oil, all the vitamins, and tin foil hats all help
There might be a few articles in the web pages of the Parkinson's organizations that you can get all the latest information from.
Generally people with Parkinson's tend to be a bit winy and complain a lot.
John is a charlatan. Ignore him. Wikipedia is as good a place to start as any.
I do not agree with John completely but he is not a charlatan. He is in his way trying to help. Kinda like a mission from God. I am on the other hand a 18 year old girl living in Cookamunga Botswanna land
I always wanted one of those picture dictionaries . When I get out walking with my wheeled walker and music bud in my ears and I keep going to the beat and really push, I can reach levels of speed and distance only imagined and I feel better for it , but reverse PD , it never will.
So there is something to it . Misguided ,exaggerated, probably but I doubt he had enough personal gain from his book to qualify for " Charlatan" that seems a bit severe.
But we each see things through differant glasses and the flavour of the day. Today is rosey and bright and happy and , tomorrow may be grey and dull and painful. It effects my opinion.
That is kinda like asking what is the meaning of life , it is a very big answer and it will differ depending on who is answering. Read what wiki and PD societys and the existing posts here have to say .
PS the meaning of life is faith and love and pain , just thought I would throw that in.