Summary of events. Two weeks ago received a steroid shot along with flexeril 1/2 10 mg pill three times a day. First week did great PD improved too Second week sudden deterioration Pd Med wearing off quicker/ quicking back delayed Started paralysis in legs at off periods mostly hard atNight at the longer off Med period Get hospitalized/ discharged Readmitted at present for three days by now
still hospitalized since August 24. Doctors are looking for something else may be coexisting with the PD or if this is an accelerated progression of PD. They have done MRI CT with contrast and Lumbar punctiion and labs. They are looking for Gillian Bare syndrome but lumbar punctiion results were ok. I urge anyone here in advanced stage of PD to tell me if the symptoms I am feeling are those you are having to discard that I’m denying my progress. I think what I’m feeling is different to PD or very different to what I was leaving two weeks ago.
I was on a fair dose of CL three times a day. The last dose was at 4:00 pm no other dose until next day morning. Get use to watch tv and been around the house moving with trouble shuffling.before bed time. Sleeping with dreams and interrupted like everyone in this forum. I visited bathroom two or three times at night may be shuffling or some freezing. General sore in my back some stiffness and testing tremor. Off periods during the day come gradually consisted in tremors, shuffling and freezing mostly but I still functional, driving, etc
Now Dose last fewer, off longer. off period now come suddenly first symptom is a chilling like movement in my left hand and then in less than 10 mints I get immobilized starting from my feet fixed to the ground incapable to move with a squeezing like feeling starting from toes and up to the.body immobilization of arms and legs come in few minutes incapable to grab my pills and drink if I don’t do it quick
Off period at night get harder get immobile all night. Squeezing like feeling has increased everyday during this time. From legs to upper body Now thightening up to shoulder and neck during hospital stay. Numbness in almost all body. Looking for help!