I am about to switch to rytary and I cannot afford medication.But I intend to apply for assistance from the company.I understand from the company's website that they give 90 days free supply of medication,but after that,it does not state what it will cost to procure the drug.So if you have been in this situation before,please help.What is the requirement to be eligible for continuous supply of drug? Thanks.
Did You Get Manufacturer's Assistance For... - Cure Parkinson's
Did You Get Manufacturer's Assistance For Your Rytary? If So Please Respond.

This foundation receives donations and distributes the money to people like you and me. For the last 2 years, they've paid the entire amount left over after my insurance pays. In the end, my Rytary hasn't cost me a dime! I've just been approved for a third year.
There's another, similar organization, but I haven't used them. If you need their info I'll try to find them again. Sorry, I don't know where you live or if PAN has limits on the countries they serve. I'm in the US. Good luck!
Hey I got my threw Rytary assistance program. My doctor contacted them I spoke too a women on the phone and she ask me what I could afford. I told her not very much, she said $5.00 to much I no. 450 36.25-145MG
I pay $20 a month through manufacturer,, but have just gone on Medicare. I will probably lose assistance as says right on card they don’t work with Medicare. But have had financial assistance for two years.
Hi PDGal4,
Did you initially get free drugs for 90days before you started paying $20.00?How many pills did you get for $20.00?
No free 90 days. My doctor gave me the form but it’s online. I’ve read the other replies. I had no income checking. Last year I paid for 2 prescriptions when 2 different doses prescribed. That is, 1 x 95 and 1 x 145 per dose. This year Rytary manufacturer changed so its one copay no matter how many prescriptions. My RX is 3 x 95 mg four times a day. It’s a lot of pills for which I pay $20. As I said in my original post, I fear I will lose this benefit under Medicare.
Because of my income I got no assistance from the foundations. It cost me $950 for three months . I went back to c/l which works better for me.
Hi DavDav,
I am not working,so do you think they will consider other assets,like savings or stocks,for eligibility?
I really don’t know. I called a foundation. The first question they asked was my income. They told me I would not qualify for assistance which is what I expected. So I just switched back to c/l which works better in my experience.
Rytary is made by Impax. They have a patient assistance program which provides me with hundreds of pills each mont. I get social security as my only income. I am not sure what their income or assset limits are. You can deduct medical expenses from income. You might want to transfer assets to family if you willlbe doing that anyway. They are not extreme. You should still be able.to keep your first born. If they cannot help ask any and all charitable groups and maybe try to get into a research study.
If you have any unusual expenses or an extreme level of disability you may appeal for special circumstances.
Hey I on Medicare and I get assistance on my part D drug coverage. Why do you want to be on Rytary so bad? I wished I would never got on it . It is hard to get the doses figured out and food plays serious role in it. Check this site for side effects.
Hi Fishaholic.
I am not that desperate to be on Rytary.My MD suggested it because I complained about frequent off periods that I am getting with sinemet and my on time with sinemet on last for 2 hours now.Before my sinemet used to work for 4 hours.I take 1tab & 1/4 four times a day.Are you still on Rytary? Is it working well for you?
Yes I’m still on it, I do 145mg 3@ 6:00 am 3@ 9:00 am 2@12:00pm 2@3:00pm 2@6:00pm bye that time I get dyskinesia and sometime early. It’s really unpredictable and you make sure you wait 2 hours before you eat anything.high protein meals or a killer for me. I had a hamburger with a friend bought it was about 1:30 pm. About 30 min. later I started shaking and trembling, It messed up my
day up. I don’t want to let go of my 🥩
I think it is all Levodopa based medication that causes dyskinesia,depending on how much is ingested and how long you've had pd.Still,the experts say some people don't develop dyskinesia.If I take too much sinemet,I do get the head shaking,type of dyskinesia slightly. Even with the sinemet I am taking,I try to fast as much as possible,leaving protein till dinner time.How many hours does a dose of Rytary work for you before your next dose?
3 to 4 hrs if I lucky I had a cinnamon roll at10:45 and now I feel shakier before I did my dose 12:00pm. I have Parkinson’s all most 14 years, I was thinking about DBS about 5 years ago.but the Dr. told me I would probably have to do the same amount C/L I think I was doing 1.5 dose 8 times a day 25/100
If medication works for you with side effects one can deal with,then I would not want any kind of surgery that will create more problems.What I don't understand is some people on Levodopa drugs don't get dyskinesia.I hope to stay on medication as long as possible,maybe one day,they will find a cure.
I did not find Rytary to be any more sensitive to when/what you eat than C/L IR was...
And I can't think of any reason why it would be...
For me what Rytary provided was a more consistent performance...
But I don't take it anymore, since my new insurance requires me to pay $1831 for a 90 day supply (although I am no longer working, my remaining family income is well above the "poverty level")... My old insurance required me to pay $220 for a 90 day supply (and I thought that was expensive at the time, but it well worth it)!

Hope to start Rytary as soon as I get approve.Also, hope the US government will curtail the price of expensive drugs like Rytary,soon.The big pharma are just too greedy.

Rytary change my self my off time is worse then before I started it, every body response to there body differently. I really believe it starts in your gut. just like people say they have heart burn. what’s telling them there stomach or brain?🤔
Hi Fishaholic,
When you said your off time is worse,what symptoms are you referring to?
Slowness , stiff joints,rigid muscle in right arm and hand,poor balance falling down . Drag right foot. just about everything you don’t want.
Hi Fishaholic. So do you think Rytary helps better than any other medication you were using before,considering the positives and negatives?
Hey that’s a good? I don’t think Rytary is a better drug for me. I never had as, Many side effects . Doing the old C/L my body shake when it wore off and I didn’t get the stiff joints and muscle cramping in my right arm and hand cramps . When the Rytary is working it’s good when it kicks in. Yesterday I did my 3:00 dose it finally kicked in. I don’t know what I was doing wrong I know sugar effects me on it. Lately when I do my last dose I start getting strong saliva output and it makes me choke. I get my water pick and try to rinsing it out. It feels like someone sprayed cooking oil in my mouth.
Hi Fishaholic,
What dose of regular C/L do you take? And what Rytary dose did your take?
I just wonder if you had the correct Rytary dose. Note the prescription information for Rytary says: "The final total daily dose of levodopa from RYTARY was approximately double that of the final total daily dose of levodopa from immediate-release tablets."
This is because the bio-availability of Rytary is less then plain old C/L...
So for example, in my case, I went from plain old C/L [2 x 100 mg tables 3 times a day] to Rytary [2 x 195 mg tables 3 times a day] (i.e., roughly double).

Generic C/L. 25/100 1&1/2 tab. Every two hours@ 6:am 8:am 10:am 12:pm 2:00 pm 4:00pm 6:00 pm 8:00pm Now the Rytary stared at 25/145 4 capsules every 4 hours. Now my Dr. has me doing 3 capsules 4 times a day and 3 @ bedtime .
That’s 1025 mg Levodopa more then my old C/L
I count:
Generic C/L dose = 8 * 150 mg = 1200 mg levodopa
Rytary dose = 15 * 145 = 2175 mg levodopa
which is little shy of double... but still should give pretty good results...
Anyway, sorry it is not working well for you...
You forgot two include the 1/2 doses on the Generic C/L Thanks any way