newly diagnoised, mild sympyoms, what can... - Cure Parkinson's

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newly diagnoised, mild sympyoms, what can i expect.... noy intending to lie down to this,

mitchdee profile image
17 Replies
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mitchdee profile image
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17 Replies
LizaJane profile image

first i wanted to say hello and sorry about having PD. not intending to give up or into it is great, keep that attitude! everyone is different, some get worse quicker than others, some dont have the same symptoms but i can only tell you about myself! i had my first symptoms about 8-9 yrs. ago and diagnosed about 6-7 years ago. i still work full time as a flight attendant and take care of my yard and house, with pain but still do. we love to travel, sometimes harder but i love too go places. i always worked out for years, played racketball, biked ect. i think that helped me but i need to get back into it. i have some bad days with headaches because of the stiffness in neck. somedays i feel great but wrote in earlier that im dizzy a lot. first it is really important to find a great dr who lisens to you, you will have to be on meds sooner or later and that will have problems for you because it is a trial and error thing! it will be your own personal journey, i was in denial for many years because i didnt feel to bad until about 2 yrs ago and hit me in the face really hard, not in denial anymore. i felt really sorry for myself until i see others with worse things than PD. i see people at work all the time on the planes with really bad ailments and are happy, so i try really hard everyday to enjoy this day and take tomorrow when it comes, seems to help! love to tell you that its easy but its a hard journey sometimes but it is also what you make of it. my husband is great and is a great care giver to me and i have to stop and realize this is hard for him too! he pushes me in a loving way, so i want to go on for him and enjoy our life together, but yes it hard at times..but so is life! hope this helps you!

mitchdee profile image

thank you it was really lovely of you to respond so soon. im divorced but all my friends are too. i live in scotland, i am just home from a luxury spa break that my friends took me on to the isle of arran. this was for me and my best friend of 27yrs only days between our birthdays, her dad diagnoised the week after me, the girls are great my sister being one of them.they wont let me get down,they incouraged me to exercise, eat healthy. i dont sleep vey well , think its the meds, i didnt realise how my movement had slowed till we were disembarking the ferry (boat) and one of my friends just out her arm round me and helped me off( its scotland and it was windy and wet) work are amazing too, its a kinda call centre ( debt collection) but they will do what they can to help,,, you sound positive and thats the way i think i have to go too,,,

LizaJane profile image
LizaJane in reply to mitchdee

my husband is scottish, his family has just been in the US for 400 yrs..HA HA! ive never really have problems sleeping but i have wine at night and that probably helps! what is your age? im 49. the foods that do me the best are fruits and raw veggies or seafood but i do like my steaks but i dont feel as well. i go through times of eating really well and than not so well and can feel the difference..vitamins help me too! the cold will probably not feel as well for you and i know its cold where you live, so that might have some added pains, i know i hurt more the colder its is. if i can help further let me know you can email me if you like.. good luck with everything!

mitchdee profile image

lol scottish hubby,,, my email is not in much pain yet but my lower back occasionaly but put that down to age,,, im 47 west coast of scotland golf country. pls keep in touch we really dont have parkisons help here, but that can be my new mission . we have the people come talk to you but they dont have PD, i just need to ask is this normal lol....

in reply to mitchdee

Hi ,

Welcome abourd this rollercoaster we cal PD, i also live in the west of Scotland Just out side Glasgow, i have a grate PD nurse who looks afterme, i was DX last Nov ,however was told iv prob had it for 10yrs , have bad tremor and body shaking , but like all weggies i wont let this get me , well not yet , i have just turned 53.


mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to

hi. think ive been lucky ive maybe only had pd about 3 yrs diagnoised early. i dont need nurse yet, we will prob have same one if your in ayrshire, ive met the support worker lorna she is lovely and confident it will be yrs before i need help, my family friend are brilliant... its just the unknown with this pd, so many different variations., planning to walk the 10k at bellahouston in may, i still work drive and live life as normal as i can.

Slowing down bit and left hand shakes and left side of body losing power but thats maybe age turned 47 2 wks ago lol,,,

LizaJane profile image
LizaJane in reply to mitchdee

been trying to email you but it wont go thru.. i gave you my email its in your message box up top..hope that works.

LizaJane profile image

Check your message box up top..

Jerebet profile image

Hi Mitchdee, Everyone is different. No one can predict the progression. So don't think that your progression will be the worst case scenario.Some people go from stage one to stage three in a year. Others are like me. I was diagnosed almost ten years ago and I am still stage one.

My PD is unilateral-only on my left side. When I was told that I had PD I focused on eating properly. I started riding my exercise bike for an hour a day and doing Yoga two times a week. I take CoQ10 and Calcium with vitamin D.But most important I see my Neurologist regularly and have my medications assessed.

I still work,date, play and generally don't allow PD to get in my way. I advertize that I have PD. This keeps others from staring when I am shaky or stiff. I have good days when my PD does not affect me and bad days when my left foot feels as if it is glued to the floor.

You will find this is a great site with fantastic caring people all going through the same thing you are

By the way.I am 1/2 Scottish. I still have kin in the Wigstown area and many ancestors buried at St. Ninan's (I'm a confusing mix of Murray, Broadfoot and Stewart.). Feel free to contact me any time.

Dennis profile image

Wonderful answers...this site has been a blessing to me as I read the post. At present I am on down time; just took 6 pm meds and the tremors, pain and aches are active. As I read these post I realize how true and accurate they are in my live with PD. Thank you all. Dennis

maryalice profile image

The best advice I can give you is to learn all you can about Parkinson;s and the medical and alternative treatments that are available. Find a good doctor who listens and is open to new ideas. Stay optimistic and enjoy each day! Blessings.

Wait It's just the beginning for a long journey. Good Luck

shakenlady profile image







mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to shakenlady

thank you i feel so much more positive about this pd. it just means i shake maybe walk bit slower but im still me.... im 47 loads of life in front of me, im divorced no kids but have amazing familly and friend who i think are taking this worse than me,... they will never let me lie down to this... i need to show them this site and how you are all amazing people x

shakenlady profile image
shakenlady in reply to mitchdee

I was under 40. (62 now) Took them 2 years to diagnose. was in stage 2

by then. I taught high school science until 2009. My husband of 37 years divorced me in 2008.

I live alone with my cat. He plays fetch. I am building a doll house. Writing a childrens book about PD.

made my bath handicap accessible. Got a medical alert line

your life is not over. It has become a greater challenge. Educate the masses. they know very little about PD

dubdiva profile image



Im kinda new myself. Had tremour al my life then about 4 yars ago stranger things started appearing, But got my 'most likely Parkinson diagnosis" this past Christmas. (Socks would have been more appreciated) Ive just turned 52 and been on PD meds since November. But my mom who had textbook PD

had her bad times, but on her good days was more talented, smart, eloquent

and somehow remebered everybodys name in her assited Living place till she passed in July at 86 years old then most 30 year old, betwenn her and the mmany wonderful souls here guess what Im saying is everyone is differnt and for myself every day is different. But for myselve I make hay when the sun shines, On good days I try to catch up with what I cant do on off days and am planning to keep performing and pursueing my work, It real day at a time for me. I have made the decisipn not to cook when by myself as Ive twice forgotenstuff being on the stove in the last few weeks, and have given up collecting antique glass. But llife is far from over just differntt. You sound liek a strong and posituive soul, God Bless xx

Koko profile image

Wow these answers are wonderful.There are no two people alike and we all have a conglomeration of the chracteristics of Parkinson. My most difficult issue is to take care of is my dystonia, (cramping of the foot, toes,,calf and neck) THe best advice I have recieved is "Keep moving and take your meds!" STart now to go to a Yoga or stretching class.You will be glad you did. Stay positive and be able to sit with close friends who can joke around with you. My firends and i spent a few hours together and came up with some jobs that would be perfect for me. THe bell ringing Christmas Santa Claus, polishing shoes, washing windows, shaking drinks, holding an advertising sign on the corner of a car wash, If do can do that your friends will feel comfortable around you and you will have time to laugh. Good luck!,.

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