Has anyone been treated by an upper cervical chiropractor for their Parkinsons?
Upper Cervical Chiropractic: Has anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Ladyaudree - why do you ask? Is this something that you have read about? Is there supposed to be benefits and if so, what are they? Just interested from a medical perspective. Although some folk swear by chiropractic I am not in favour although I have tried it in the past (not for Parkinson’s Disease though). Seems a bit nebulous to me. If you intend to try it, check with your GP first, particularly if you have problems with your neck eg spondylitis.
A chiropractor that took an x-ray of my neck before any cervical manipulations would have been in safe territory.
I read about this treatment for frozen shoulder pain on one of the other Parkinson's websites. It was so bad I could not raise my arm to brush my teeth and comb my hair. Tried cortisone injections and physical therapy. I also often had vertigo on lying down and sitting up. It is working. I have almost no pain in the shoulder and have regained the use of my arm and no more vertigo. The concept of upper cervical chiropractic has to do with the brain stem, which comes out of the head through the top two bones of the neck, known as the atlas (C1) and axis (C2). Many of the signals that are used to communicate between the brain and body also pass through the brainstem. The atlas surrounds and protects this vital area where the brainstem and spinal cord meet. However, a misalignment of the atlas can put pressure on the brainstem and inhibit proper function. The idea is to restore proper flow and stop the loss of brain neurons and maybe possibly restore some that are no longer functioning or allow the brain to form new paths. Lots on the internet against it and a few like this one for it. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/110.... I have been in treatment for nearly two months and plan on continuing. My "curvature" is less, standing up straighter and overall feeling better. I am also doing the High Thiamine B1 program and am sleeping better with no night time leg cramps since I started that. My prescribed C/L does nothing. These two treatments are the only positives I have found and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.
After a barium floroscopy showed neck bone misalignment and I had been experiencing intense neck pain I tried a chiropractor. He was very good and gentle. I specified NO neck cracking so by manipulation he corrected something (?) that helped the pain but not the stiffness. I haven't had a recurrence of that intensity but do live with chronìc neck pain esp. back of head that I feel is neurological because it always feels much better after L-Dopa each day. Keeping things at eye level helps like reading books, phones and tablets.
Yes ladyaudree, in addition to my neurologist I see a chiro for the very same thing. I can feel a difference the moment he makes an adjustment on my atlas vertebrae (when a prior adjustment hasn't held). He is also a proponent of infrared light therapy. And trying to prevent my (mild) PD stoop posture from progressing. I need all the help I can get.
Thank you for explaining. It's good that you are deriving benefit from the treatment.
Have had treatments by UCC but not specifically for PD. More to try to improve balance. Can’t say it was effective but I might consider giving it another try (requires unite a few treatments) although I have to travel for 1 1/2 hours (90 mins) each way for a treatment that lasts 15 mins at the most.

What was your balance issue if not Parkinson's?
my husband had Cervical Stenosis and found massage and regular chiropractic care to be very helpful
I have also Parkinson for more tan 8 years and all pain that it brings in its progression lately .... I somehow cannot find the right pillow ! I wake up every morning with neck pain ! I have again to search for another pillow !!! [water, hypoallergic, foam, goose, buckwheat, etc... what will be # 9 , any recommendation ?
In advance thank you all
I have a shaped pillow. Hard to describe but it is firm and shaped so it contours into my neck so when i am on my side my spine is straight.
Just checked amazon they list as ' memory foam contour pillow'. I recommend it
I appreciate the responses & Recommendations, but I should have mentioned I am a back sleeper as I have spine arthritis low back very much sensible especially if I sleep on the side .....