Has anyone used it?
Posture Corrector: Has anyone used it... - Cure Parkinson's
Posture Corrector

I used different ones but didn’t help. Learning to sit upright while meditating been more helpful.
I could have used one for decades, but No, I have not. Dx pd in 2011. Presented to ER in March 2018, with "coat hanger" syndrome. Did not know the phrase then. ER x-ray (ignored for months) revealed degeneration of my cervical vertebrae and disks. That finding has become very important. Especially c4, c5, c6. MRI has provided additional info. Plus severe PPH and not so severe OH.
iqbaliqbal and Kia17, are we beginning to focus on traits of a newly realized subgroup? Cervical spine issues and poor posture.
Most of PwPD has the postural problems. So it should be a good subject to discuss.
Hammacher Schlemmer
The Biofeedback Posture Trainer - Item: 83971 MED
Retail: $99.95 -Total w/Shipping & Taxes :$127.14
Recently purchased the above and minimally tested it [3 brief sessions]. Feedback is either sound or silent vibration, at midback bottom, vibration less reliable than sound. Systematic response requires solid anchor point for position reference, causing me to tie the bottom strap to my pants belt.
Instructed to practice for 20min, 3 times/day. Requires discipline and willpower in the face of an uncomfortable experience. The jury is still out, I haven’t given-up, yet…
I note that the lower strap of the TRUWEO model is higher, at mid-torso under breast, making for a shorter leverage arm, relative to from pants belt, which I surmise, possibly wrongly, makes it less sensitive to posture changes.
Hammacher Schlemmer
The Biofeedback Posture Trainer - Item: 83971 MED
Retail: $99.95 -Total w/Shipping & Taxes :$127.14
A seasoned occupational therapist without experience of the piece.
I saw this and went to the shop. I was told it’s more for younger people with a hunch but not suitable when then there is a medical problem . Though I can’t be sure. There is another that looks like a head helmet which has screws that you can turn . Wonder anyone used it?