My Gp referred me to a Neurologist as I had a tremor in my chin. I am 71 live in England and there was a long waiting list so I paid privately. After doing all sorts of tests, walking, touching his finger and then nose, hand grips etc he said he couldn’t diagnose me but it was probably PD. He also asked if I wanted a Datscan but still no drugs even if positive. I opted for the scan but am now thinking do I really want one as it will make a difference to my travel insurance and maybe my driving licence. Do most people have a Datscan to diagnose PD? I have noticed during the night I have really bad leg cramps which I didn’t tell him about as it didn’t seem relevant but on reading the symptoms that is one of them. Could anyone help with tips for cramps? Has anyone been diagnosed with only one symptom?
My other problem is my daughter wants my husband and myself to move to where she lives. We live in a bungalow now but as she lives in a much more expensive area we couldn’t afford a bungalow but would have to have a house. Would there be problems living in a two story house with PD, it’s such a big decision and causing me much stress as we have lived here for 30 years but have no family here.
Sorry for rambling on but I am getting myself stressed to what the future holds with PD. Also the drugs seem to have a lot of side effects but maybe I am getting ahead of myself. Thanks in advance for any help.