interesting questions raised by Parkinson's UK about the authenticity of Collin Potter's claim on reversing PD symptoms. The interesting part is the comments section at the end
The authenticity of Collin Potter claims - Cure Parkinson's
The authenticity of Collin Potter claims

Is Parkinson's Life the publication of Parkinson's UK?
It is not possible that a tx with no proof of success - and said tx , can kill PD pts when they go off prescribed medications and turn to this "diet", can have l2000 subscribers. I don't find any reported evidence that these people's health/life is in danger.
2016 article, in EPDA on line magazine - Parkinsons Life. I would like to know how these people are now. I know one commentator who was loud in his praise of reversing pd 3 years ago is now about to have DBS. That reversal was short lived.
Hikoi, by bad luck you are right. This is his video two days ago
My goodness he looks dreadful.
It was one of those people who posted in the comments section about how well he (not Potter) was just 3 yrs ago who is now about to have DBS.
Not me. You've got the wrong person as any viewing of recent videos will show I'm in good shape
You wrote : I have been able to halt the progression of my Parkinson's and reverse many of its symptoms” Do you still claim this? Has your PD progression been halted, because it doesnt appear so to me.
I started out 8 years ago with crippling rigidity and unable to walk very far. I had lost much functionality in my right hand.
Rigidity has gone, and I'm able to walk freely. I haven't regained functionality in the hand though it hasn't worsened.
i'm not trying to prove anything. Just sharing the knowledge that, by taking certain actions, it's possible to live well following a PD diagnosis
I saw him in a YouTube video where he seemed to be doing very well not sure how old it was. I wonder if he changed up what he was doing or if his PD just progressed. It’s too bad he talked about how diet and exercise really had helped him. I’ve never really followed his story but had heard of him before. In this video things seem worse definitely.
You're confusing me with someone else. I am in good health, leading a good quality of life which a peek at my FaceBook page or website ( will confirm.
I’m glad to hear that you are doing well as I do believe diet and exercise can be very helpful!! I had recently viewed a YouTube video from February of 2018 where you were interviewed by Sara at Invigorate Health. Someone posted a video here that was supposedly only a couple days old and from the video it seems your right side may have a tremor, maybe it was the camera. Either way if you are doing well that’s all that matters, good news.👍
You've summed it up correctly. I have a right arm tremor which is still much of the time but active when I'm stimulated eg shooting videos. Also, my actions are much slower on right side. Otherwise, my quality of life is good, 8 years since diagnosis, and my PD is either not progressing or progressing very slowly. I'm still working on answers.
Potter would say his system is working cause he’s a proud man and his self belief is a shield despite his obvious worsening of symptoms in the video link. At the same time, his approach from a dietary perspective is basically keto, and the recent Kiwi Study did endorse its efficacy in relation to PD.
You are confusing me with someone else. You can go to my FaceBook page or website ( and see me in my latest videos. There, you will see me in good health and spirits.
My efforts to remain well include diet/nutrition, toxin elimination, exercise, infra red therapy, essential oils, magnetic resonance and more. So far, after 8 years, it's still working.
When I was diagnosed last year, I reached out to Colin, he was nothing but a gentleman and a man who thoroughly understood what he has and where he was going with his version of PD. He sure as hell wasnt promoting that you go off your meds and just rely upon diet, exercise and supplements. He, and this is from my interactions with Colin, looked at his condition as a result of his body becoming or reacting to certain previous doings, to illustrate pollution is a global issue, but you woudn't just clean the ocean completely and no other areas of the earth and declare it's not an issue any more, sure minor relief will come but as other issues haven't been addressed pollution will still be a issue raring it's head back to the previous place you were prior to just removing rubbish from the ocean. Now swap Pollution with PD, global/world with your body and cleaning the ocean as that 1 remedy or action that you tried in your battle with PD.
Colin has researched throughly what his body reacts to and thru trial and error found that by taking a holistic view of his PD diagnosis has been able to remediate his personal symptoms.
Why am I saying this .... because I started the sugestions from his website prior to finding this forum and whilst I have some symptoms still pop up and say hello over all I'm healthier, I've dropped Madopar intake to 2 pills 1 times a day, my body overall is healthier regardless of the PD and I have no progression in any form for the last year, remembering that l/d intake is lower so it's not masking my symptoms.
It's simple, you cut your skin you bleed you heal, you break a bone it heals, your cells get replaced every 7 years, there's a theory getting your brain into fight or flight mode kicks in neurological repair.
Your body wants to heal itself to whatever degree it can, that's Colins approach
Mr potter is a distributor for Youngevity, owned by dr. Joel wallach, who has some strange ideas, here is what I was told by one of his team:
Dr. Wallach teaches that ALS, MS, Parkinsons, Huntington's Disease and alike are issues with the central nervous system in the fatty areas of the brain where the myelin is being rapidly diminished not supporting electrical impulse properly. Like a short in a frayed wire causing a flickering light. Eliminate all oils (bottled and in processed foods) from your diet immediately. No oil of any kind, no gluten and eat 12 eggs with runny yolk daily. Dr. Wallach recommends the following per 100 pounds of body weight. Select the links to view product and add to cart.
The Candida is sugar over growth. We can take care of both with the following
1 pack of per 100 pounds of body weight.
Dr. Wallach teaches that ALS, MS, Parkinsons, Huntington's Disease and alike are issues with the central nervous system in the fatty areas of the brain where the myelin is being rapidly diminished not supporting electrical impulse properly. Like a short in a frayed wire causing a flickering light. Eliminate all oils (bottled and in processed foods) from your diet immediately. No oil of any kind, no gluten and eat 12 eggs with runny yolk daily. Dr. Wallach recommends the following per 100 pounds of body weight. Select the links to view product and add to cart.
The Candida is sugar over growth. We can take care of both with the following 1 pack of per 100 pounds of body weight.
1 bottle of per 50 pounds of body weight and taken as 1 capsule per 50 pounds of body weight 3x daily.
1 bottle of taken as 3 capsules 3x daily with food.
1 of the following for extra muscular support. Take as many servings as desired but at least 2 servings daily. for pain and topical nutrition
Add for candida the
Add 12 eggs to your daily diet and eliminate the 12 bad foods.
No Gluten
Oats, Oatmeal – even if it says that it’s gluten free.
Fried Food – nothing fried! You should boil, broil or bake and never more than medium rare for red meat.
Oils – Yes, this includes Olive Oil! NO canola, NO coconut, etc… If it has OIL in the name don’t use it. This also includes anything made from oil, like salad dressing. Dr. Wallach recommends using salt and lemon juice as a salad dressing. No margarine or combo spreads. No mayonnaise. Nothing made from oils.
No burned fats – If you grill your food, try to have something between the food and the fire (like aluminium foil) so the juice doesn’t drip onto the flame and deposit dangerous things on the meat.
Any nitrates added to meat – (ie: deli meats) tell your butcher NO NITRATES or NITRITES!
No carbonated drinks of any kind within one hour before, during or one hour after meals.
Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.
Point of correction.
1. I am not a distributor for Youngevity
2. I have no affiliation with Youngevity nor any other supplements company, although I do buy and take certain Youngevity supplements
3. I am scrupulous in that I receive NO fees, commissions or payments from anyone
I merely share the knowledge that I have accumulated through research and personal experience, and which has enabled me to recover my health.
I have known since he has come off his med,so I can not vouch for bwfoer and what problems he had . I do kmow that he has PD and that the medss did very little for him and he never had any off/ons,so,he was lucky in
The diet is basically low carbohydrate, high protein, with a node to the studies on burned carbon associations . 12 eggs with runny yokes but no frying , makes it a game of cooking trying to cook soft-boiled eggs. I do not know anyone who can eat a dozen eggs a day, every day without bread or included in flour baked goods of any kind. No margarine or oil of any kind but no mention of butter, but you would not need much anyway unless you put some on your skinless potatoes , eggs and unmentioned vegetables. I am not making fun of it, one would certainly loose weight. and any excess gut but there has to be more reasons why the eliminations are necessary. What does frying do that roasting does not or visa versa?
It would seem that dairy is OK and no mention of beer or wine , Carbonated pop is ok but not close to food is interesting , any body know why ?
I know that my diet is killing me and I have to change but this is just too strange .
Hi Gymbag, frying or roasting over 120c of foods that contain sugar or protein produce acrylamide which is toxic , there are studies on it. It was recommended to us by a functional dr my husband went to. And no we haven't followed the advice, sometimes it seems like you will be left with nothing but air to live on if you follow all the advice from everyone. I think you need to apply some common sense, everyone knows by now what a good diet looks like, find what you will be happy with and will enjoy and can do long term. Food is one of life's great pleasures. A recent Billy Connelly joke on one of his shows went along the lines of ' an old guy is the only one of his group of friends left in the old folks home, the others died two years earlier because they ate white bread, he ate healthy food and he was moaning that the last two years he got weren't spent shagging like an 18yr old but two years in a diaper being spoon fed goo'. Had to laugh.
"everyone knows by now what a good diet looks like," NOT SO Fast
I always followed the Canada Food Guide and that did not go so well. No, I have no idea what I should or should not eat. Reduce sugar, reduce cholesterol, reduce pork, reduce carbohydrates, reduce gluten, reduce wheat , reduce mercury (sea food ) reduce dairy, reduce all grains and breads.