I had DBS surgery 4.5 years ago. I have been alerted to the fact that my battery needs changing out by my DBS monitor, and I am having the minimal surgery on 4/24. I was diagnosed almost 20 years ago (I am now 70) and have stayed fairly functional. Until now. For the last couple of months, my symptoms have increased at what I feel is a rapid rate. I have felt very discouraged. Falling has become frequent, my fatigue has worsened and freezing is constant. I no longer want to socialize it's so bad. My Dr. mentioned that this new battery may help. It seems logical that as my "electronic medicine" runs down that my symptoms would increase. IF this is the case, it certainly makes me appreciate the DBS and how much it helps. Has anyone else had a similiar experience and did it help?
DBS battery--affecting my symptoms? - Cure Parkinson's
DBS battery--affecting my symptoms?

Hi, I’m not a DBS treated patient, but I found this: uofmhealth.org/conditions-t...
Hopefully, this helps. It seems like the depleting battery could be the culprit

You are true colleague and I so appreciate you taking the time to help. Thank you
I had DBS op 9 months ago. I asked about replacement battery Ann was told it will eventually run down. Asked what happens and nurse says I’d notice it’ll become increasingly ineffective at taking down the symptoms. Should pick up once replaced. Get it replaced ASAP.
My husband had DBS four and a 1/2 years ago and is turning 70 in a couple of weeks. His battery had to be replaced last October as well and this time we opted for the rechargable one in order to avoid another replacement in a few years and he seems to be doing better. We just have to remember to charge him every other day. Good luck with your replacement surgery. It is a relatively quick procedure.