This is a bit off topic so I apologize in advance. I was stunned by this. I had no idea.
Medical Errors Third Leading Cause of Death - Cure Parkinson's
Medical Errors Third Leading Cause of Death

And the most common fatal medical error is failure to make proper diagnosis:
I do not have a reference handy but apparently cardiovascular deaths drop when interventional cardiologists are away at conferences.
Here it is:
When doctors went on strike in the UK death rate went down drastically. There are many hits when you Google this.
I was a Coroner for 28 years, investigating deaths, and I find this conclusion to be ridiculous . I have no idea how they come up with their figures.
You might start by reading the full text of the article. There is a link to it in the summary.
I did read the article, I am referring to my experience that death due to medical errors is are.
Here is a link to the full article. The article explains how they reached their conclusions.
In the video posted above, Leana Wen, M.D. recounts how she accompanied her mother on numerous doctor's visits which failed to diagnose, or even order the proper tests to detect, the cancer that ultimately killed her. Instead they wasted time with antidepressants and other such irrelevancies. A coroner would have found she died of cancer, not failure to diagnose.
Likewise in the matter of increased death rates due to interventional cardiology, in most cases the coroner would have found cardiovascular disease as the cause.
This is not the first time medical errors have been estimated to cause this kind of death rate:
Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 250,000 Deaths Every Year
Journal American Medical Association Vol 284 July 26, 2000
The CNBC report refers to this article:
"Medical error is not included on death certificates or in rankings of cause of death. "
Also, I wrote about bad medications being a cause of death here:
When Good Doctors Prescribe Bad Medicine:
" A striking feature of modern medicine is the debilitating and lethal consequences of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), which rank as one of the top 10 causes of death and illness in the developed world
With an estimated 2 to 4 million serious injuries each year, drug therapy stands as one of the most significant perils to health resulting from human activity.
833,076 adverse drug events reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during 2014. …Although drug adverse effects are estimated to account for 100,000 to 200,000 patient deaths and 1 to 2 million hospitalizations each year
[O]ne in every five [new drugs] eventually caused enough serious harm in patients to warrant a severe warning or withdrawal from the market"
Onthat subject, how many people were prescribed sinimet because the dr.thought perhaps they had Parkinsons? Is this dangerous?
The book titled ‘Confessions of a Medical Heretic’ by Dr Robert Mendelsohn and published in 1979 is a very good read if you can get your hands on it. From memory, at one time when doctors were striking in the US and not performing elective surgeries, the death rate of patients plummeted.
I’m also sure I have read somewhere that only 65% of patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease had evidence of the disease at post mortum.
A good friend died last year. He was in his 60s and a healthy weight. He went to the doctor with swelling in his legs. He was sent home after being told it was normal, with no testing at all. He died a week later in his home of heart failure. Dropped to the floor and was gone by the time he arrived at the hospital. I was pretty angry at the a**hole doctor who can't recognize unexplained sudden lower extremity swelling as a potential cardiac issue. What an unnecessary death....his family was devastated. I personally know two people with clear cause of death was medical error.....that was not put on death certificate.
Just recently an old friend died also of medical error and his doctor admitted it. He had put him on statins due to higher cholesterol and suddenly he was helpless and could not walk and needed round the clock care. His muscles became very week and in a couple months he was dead. The doctor said it had to be the statin drugs because there was not other change in his meds. My brother had a bad experience with statin drugs also. All his muscles started hurting and he said he did not feel like living anymore. Went off of them even though his insurance company did not like it. Older people should have high cholesterol. Less dementia and less cancer.
The really sad part is that there are much safer alternatives to statins that not only lower cholesterol, but offer other health benefits as part the deal! Here is a link to one of those alternatives that I recently posted about that looks to be as or more effective than statins and a much better safety profile!
Statins commonly cause muscle problems and can cause death due to this adverse effect, as happened to your friend. Moreover they are only of benefit to patients with known cardiovascular disease. For more on the subject see my writing here:
When Good Doctors Prescribe Bad Medicine:
Yes, danfitz. Having been active in research, I have been aware of these problems much of my life. They are, in part, just symptoms of the evils and designs that exist in the hearts of conspiring men, lusting after power and wealth. Many MDs are aware of these things, but remain silent, in fear of losing their license. Here's one who has blown the whistle -
This is really an inappropriate use of this website, as well as propagating false information. You should be ashamed.
False? The first article, that medical errors are the third leading cause of death . Or that one in ten of deaths are cause by medication.
As for the anecdotes, they may be true, but we only get one side of the story.
I worry about what you are trying to prove? That medical errros are made ? That they are the rule, rather than the exception?
So what are your conclusions? Where is your logic leading ?
Never see a doctor or go to a hospital?
You are ignoring the great work and dedication of the great majority of physicians done daily, and destroying faith in the system, which has in my lifetime made incredible advances in healthcare.
As MarionP said, “You should be ashamed”
When you claim that an article published by such a prestigious organization as Johns Hopkins University is false I would hope you could provide some sort of evidence. Instead you simply assert it is false.
Sorry, until you provide something that approaches evidence it is impossible to have a serious discussion. Either one of us can assert anything, e.g. “the world is flat”. Just claiming the article is false is not enough.
I posted the original article because I was stunned by it as my post said. I thought others would be interested in the article. I was only passing on interesting information not making any claims or trying to prove anything.
I, unlike you, have made no claims other than to point out you have provided absolutely no evidence to support your claim the article is false.
There is nothing to be ashamed of in posting a published article. If you wish to challenge it try finding an article that disputes the one I posted.
When you have one article which defies common sense, and massive experience, it should be treated with great caution and skeptics until and unless it can be replicated.
I speak from the experience of 28 years of death investigations
Still no evidence. Just assertions. It is ironic that you claimed posters on this site were “anti-science” in another post. Yet you won’t provide a single article to back up your claim.
If you had read the original article I posted or sources posted by others you would know that this article is only the tip of the iceberg and there are numerous similar articles published by such science deniers as the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, as well as Johns Hopkins University.
If anyone has anything to be ashamed of it is you.