Unable to find any data on this. Any help would be appreciated!
Unable to find any data on this. Any help would be appreciated!
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Jump to repliesDr. C has said that DBS and HDT are compatible and DBS changes nothing as far as HDT is concerned and HDT changes nothing as far as DBS is concerned.
Look at Q&A #45 at this link to the HDT FAQ page :
Easily, thank you for your response; forwarded to a friend with DBS who could really benefit from a trial of HDT.
I hope that what you pass along to your friend proves to be beneficial for them, that's what friends are for! Very thoughtful of you!
My husband had DBS which worked like a miracle on his tremor. He was approved for it because his Parkinsons is atypical and the tremors did not respond to medication. He is still on carbadopa-levadopa because the neurologist says that it may help with other issues. However they kept saying that it would not help with his walking. I did not realize the full impact of this since he was walking on his own at this time, but within a year he was not. He started to rapidly lose weight at this point so much so that his primary care doctor who is also his cardiologist was very concerned. Two things happened he began testosterone treatments and I started him on 1500 mg of B1 after reading about it on this site. The testosterone patches were not elevating his testosterone , but he started having better days. He was changed over to testosterone injections and between the two I have seen a great improvement. He gained twelve pounds and he has better color in his face.
In short I think he has responded to both the B1 and testosterone and the B1 was kicking in before the testosterone was in his system.
I have the non tremor form PIGD (postural instability, gait disorder). I have had dystonia in my feet that was disabling, the worst symptom that I had. It has been 4 years and I am starting to have more trouble managing it.
I am also on HDT and find it helpful for autonomic dysfunctions such as bladder urgency/retention and constipation... plus I sleep better. I’m currently at 2.4 gms /day and plan to increase my dose to see if it can help my foot dystonia.
Etterus, that must be a very challenging condition to deal with...I hope that increasing your HDT will be well worth it. Just curious, are you on Magnesium?
While dystonia is a more disabling condition than nighttime leg and foot spasms, Magnesium L-Threonate really cured my hubby of that.
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