My husband had always had a loud voice and I could hear him from the other end of the house when he was speaking. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons's and I notice that he speaks so softly that I have to walk to where he is at in order to hear him. Does using B1 reverse this?
Does High dose thiamine help reverse the ... - Cure Parkinson's
Does High dose thiamine help reverse the loss of voice volume?
It will not hurt to try thiamine hcl. Therapeutic dose 4 grams a day. Three hundred 500mg capsules cost $29
What symptoms does Thiamine hcl help with?
Here is a link to a list of 80 symptoms that forum members who are either testing or using HDT have reported as being reduced or eliminated, that they attribute to the addition of HDT to their standard PD regimens.
If you want to read more posts that are specific to HDT for PD, just click on my icon and select the post that you want to read.
Thank You
It helped me.
My husband has a softer voice also but the neuro says that he needs to talk like he's yelling at me!! Works!! He just needs to get used to talking like that all the time. Kind of like the BIG program for PD - exaggerate EVERYTHING including steps and arm swings. Good luck to both of you.
This is an HDT benefit that has been mentioned by several forum members in the past, improved voice clarity and projection. Here is a link to a listing of benefits that have been reported by forum members who are either using or testing HDT.
Thank you. Your posts are very helpful.
You're welcome! If you ever need to find any HDT related pages, you can click on my icon and just select the one you are looking for.
I've reviewed your information posts. I learned a lot from it and from reading others' comments on this forum. I wish I had known I had PD and this forum existed when I was in Italy last then I would have stopped by dr C office.
Although I have a tremor my main issue seems to be my voice. I'm hoping B1 can be useful in addressing the softness and hoarseness. Thanks for your help.
I've updated my profile. I still have a lot to learn.
You can click on my icon to see any posts I have written about HDT or related. If it works for you, you may be able to make up some lost time! Other forum members have reported improved voice and swallowing function as well as reduced mouth or jaw tremor that they attribute to HDT!
My husband is in his 14th year post diagnosis & has been taking thiamine for 2 years in one form or another. I'm still not entirely sure if we've hit on the optimal HDT dose as he's not very good at giving feedback and he's also in a lot of pain which overshadows everything. However the one symptom we can definitely say that HDT has helped is his soft voice.
Do try a spoonful of Mannitol in the morning - this has helped many.
Perhaps your husband does not need medication to help him speak louder. Try doing this:
Sit in your car, in a place not too close to other people. Then tell your husband to shout 'FIRE" as loud as he can. If he thinks that nobody will hear him he can do that.
Having done that, then go back home and ask yourself, "Why can he shout, and not talk?"
The answer is that talking is controlled by the subconscious brain while shouting s controlled by the conscious brain. The subconscious brain has problems communicating with the rest of the body. The conscious brain is not affected by Pd.
You may well ask, "How can he possibly shout everything, especially with his loud voice?" He will have to learn how to shout softer. When we shout we can only shout a sentence slowly. That would mean that f he shouted softly it will be slower than speaking. That is better than not being heard!
Look at my website - and contact me. I can help with many other pd problems as well. I don't charge for doing this.