Help! My dad has Parkinson’s and has a a terrible itch since March of 2018. It is literally all over him and is seriously driving him crazy. He is going to a dermatologist, but nothing they have tried makes it go away. Has anyone else suffered with this????
Terrible itch for months: Help! My dad has... - Cure Parkinson's
Terrible itch for months

I went for 9 months with a itch that was horrifying nutso! All I did was survive. My MD, a one knew what was wrong. Of course I heard..Could it all be in your head? SCREAM! FINALLY they took x rays of my body and found a Mass behind my lungs. It was Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma,a blood Cancer. I loved chemo...all the itching stopped! The Cancer Doc said "Why didn't the Doctors pick up on this, itching is the first symptom!" I hope your Dad finds out soon what is wrong...the itching is Horrible! Janet127
Has the dermatologist thoroughly gone over all his medications, prescription and OTC? He may be reacting to an active ingredient in one of them, or just as likely, one of the fillers, binders, or artificial colorings in them. Consider too, that this may not even be a dermatology issue at its core. Parkinson's is a neurological problem; nerve signals sent throughout the body can go a little (or a lot!) haywire.
When I started taking two of the PD medications 12 year ago, it was fairly obvious that I was allergic to them , swelling in legs Brown shade from knees down , all the hair on my chest and arms and legs fell out, Brown blotches all over and every thing itchy. Antihistamines helped both pill and cream but just a short time. Gradually after a few years the itch lessened . Be careful he does not scratch and make open wounds that become infected. Anti bacterial soap and skin creams ,, huge big bottles and jars of skin creams , of all different kinds and alternate them . Apply 4 to 5 times a day. My body slowly started accepting the meds and now after 12 years it is just a minor irritation, OK it still drives me CRAZY, but I learned not to scratch it makes the itch worse. Mind over matter called for here.
This may sound strange but I had a bad skin inflammation that did not respond to repeated doses of anithistamines, cortisone or antibiotics. In desperation, and having looked at the ingredients in soap powders, I started grating plain green bar soap (the kind without additives) for the laundry and the condition cleared. I have not returned to soap powders.
Try having him take an over the counter anti-acid (acid controller) tablet.
I get that periodically... my body Ph goes up from the PD meds and I get itchy hives. The anti-acid helps significantly.
I hate Hives, I have not had that in 60 years but I remember . We did not know about body PH nor did we have access to fancy medications (cash no credit cards ) so we did what my grandmother told us to do and soaked in a tub of tepid water with two big packages of baking soda and then calamine lotion. The only thing worse than hives is boils , no wait poison ivy if you get it all over(skinny dipping ), serious sunburn (fell asleep) or many many Bee stings (ground bees ,fell on the nest) , it was all the same treatment as hives and boils two packages of Baking soda in a tepid tub.
Does your dad take any anxiety meds ?
My mum had itchy skin that stopped because she stopped taking propranolol (anxiety) and betahistine (dizziness). She’s still taking Parkinson’s medication sinemet but is dealing with anxiety with natural remedies now