Parkinson’s : I’m only 23 years old dealing... - Cure Parkinson's

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starlove1995 profile image
32 Replies

I’m only 23 years old dealing with all this

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starlove1995 profile image
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32 Replies
MBAnderson profile image


But, the good news is that at your age, if you pull out all the stops now, vigorous exercise, get fit, diet, other lifestyle changes, etc., you have a very good chance of, and might well, lead a normal life.

What's normal life worth?

You have to work at it.

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to MBAnderson

What are some good foods u Recommend I eat ?

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to starlove1995

Put, "nutrition and Parkinson's disease" in a search engine window - then stand back.

Everybody's all over the map on this. There are a few fundamentals. Stay away from sugar, corn syrup, or vegetable oil. Beyond that, you're on your own.

I try to eat low-carb, mostly fish and vegetables. Modest protein and minimal meat. I don't pay much attention to fat consumption. My own version of a Mediterranean diet. Nothing that comes in a can or box, no gluten, bread, dairy, processed food, fried food, fast food.

dreem profile image
dreem in reply to starlove1995

gluten free and sugar free, not easy though

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to starlove1995

Research Ketogenic diet. And organic whole food. The goal is to reduce your body burden of toxins.

starlove1995 profile image


starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to starlove1995

So like green things are ok

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to starlove1995

Healthy at that

ConnieD profile image
ConnieD in reply to starlove1995

Yes you will learn a lot here, welcome!

WinnieThePoo profile image

Seems to me the guy dealing the cards is a bastard :-(

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to WinnieThePoo


WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to starlove1995

I mean it's a rotten break to get PD at all. A particularly rotten break to get it your age. MBanderson clearly has much more experience in this area than I do, so I take heart from his optimism for your outlook.

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to WinnieThePoo

The internet says the same thing as well

Fed1000 profile image
Fed1000 in reply to WinnieThePoo

I share what they wrote MBAnderson, Dreem, ConnieD and John Pepper showing sensitivity towards starlove1995. At her young age there is a strong need for optimism, encouragement and experiences. He has a long way to go.

JohnPepper profile image

Hi starlove. My first symptom arrived, uninvited , at the age of 29. I am now 84 years old and have no longer needed to take medication since 2002. What I do to stay healthy costs nothing. I am selling nothing, other than my book, which you don't have to buy, I will help you to get better anyway.

Look at my website - and contact me, I will try to help you.

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to JohnPepper

The website not working

MylovedhasPd profile image
MylovedhasPd in reply to starlove1995

dreem profile image
dreem in reply to starlove1995

I trust a lot of john pepper's info. Just keep in mind that not everything works for every one the same way. Dont spend your money on anything till you reveiw, this is a good place to check for reveiws. Keep a log of what you do and how it makes you feel. And always one day at a time. Dont worry about how you may be a year from now. I am about the same as i was 7 years ago.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply to JohnPepper

🔴 CAUTION: The 'johnpepper' avatar/member is suspected by some to be a malicious bot/virus infecting the Healthunlocked PD forum. It typically pops up in the posts/inquiries of new, unsuspecting members (veteran members generally ignore it) and invariably alludes to a magical formula (thus far never replicated) by which faithful followers will supposedly be able to "Reverse Parkinson's Disease".

As is typical of such pesky bots, your actual questions/concerns rarely factor into its auto-reply feature which is programmed simply to announce that "meds don’t work" while directing the unsuspecting newcomer to "look at my website". Once there you will find yourself expected to wade through lengthy tracts of a rank amateur's mind-numbing misinterpretations of science (if/when the site is functioning). This is one rabbit-hole you’d best avoid if it's GENUINE solutions you seek.

Dingler profile image
Dingler in reply to PDConscience

Wow ........... why not say what you really think ......... lol

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to PDConscience

I have found John Pepper very helpful. He is advocating exercise, especially fast walking, as an aid to a better life as a PwP.

PDConscience profile image
PDConscience in reply to M1tz1

Uh huh... the idea that 'exercise is good for you' is a pretty revolutionary concept (for some). It will NEVER "reverse" PD as the JP-bot contends however...

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to M1tz1

If he confined himself to recommending exercise few would object. Exercise is almost universally advocated as beneficial for PWP. (Although, some like my Dad, who has severe postural hypotension are unable to participate in this therapy - well, certainly not fast walking). The problem I think PDC and others object to is his insistence his is the ONLY way, his manifest ignorance of science, and the potentially dangerous suggestion that PWP should follow him in preference to their qualified neurologist. Much of what he suggests probably makes good sense. It's the way in which he says it, that represents the potential danger. Among the bits of science he appears to have a flaky understanding of is "What is Parkinsons disease?"

danfitz profile image
danfitz in reply to WinnieThePoo

I have no problem with civil disagreement. I just don’t see the point of mocking him or anyone else.

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to danfitz

Yes I agree about being civil. Maybe JP means well. I haven't yet met anybody else making such authoritarian statements that are manifestly incorrect, and very unhelpful as JP. I am thinking in particular of his comments regarding GDNF and the Bristol trials, where he claimed toxicity in spite of clear evidence that he was mistaken. I think it important to refute such errors. Ideally get the false statements withdrawn and the posts deleted.

danfitz profile image
danfitz in reply to WinnieThePoo

Yes. I noted the GDNF comments as well. I agree in general about refuting false statements. But some beliefs are so tightly held I don’t know if it is worth the effort to refute them. I find this site quite valuable because of the willingness of the community to freely share information and experience.

I do think JP means well and is simply trying to share something he believes works. He can be a bit strident but he thinks he has valuable information to share. I don’t think he deserves to be mocked by anyone and I am not going to continue witnessing the mocking and say nothing.

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to WinnieThePoo

As many of you know already, I joined this group because my husband had PD and died of aspiration pneumonia this year at age 81. I have some mild features in common, but never felt it necessary to do anything about them: bad balance problems, no arm swinging and intentional tremor. John was very helpful with the balance. I also looked at videos in which people were able to jettison their wheelchairs and walk again with his aid.

danfitz profile image

I apologize for PDConscience. He is our resident bully.

ion_ion profile image

A young lady come here for help and some people started to argue ignoring the fact that everyone has the right to express his/her opinions, no matter how often.

Starlove, for now it seems the exercising (dancing, fastwalking , pushups, swimming etc) and the Thiamine HCL help a lot. I do not know about the diet if it is worth to try it but you can try it if you want. I tried it but I gave up.

And try to avoid stress as much as possible, especially the stress of knowing of having such a disease or the stress caused by certain people. Some people have it for long time and they are ok, some have it for few years and are in worse shape.

Wish you the best!

starlove1995 profile image
starlove1995 in reply to ion_ion

Thank u

Intrepid200 profile image

My heart goes out for you, was your prognosis confirm and am praying for a cure

Millbrook profile image


Start on vitamin B1 and mannitol and red light therapy to have neuro genesis.

Also fish oil n good probiotics . You can read all about these things on HU

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