Two compounds in coffee may team up to fi... - Cure Parkinson's
Two compounds in coffee may team up to fight Parkinson's

OK. That does it. I'm definitely upping my coffee intake. I love coffee and can't for the life of me think why I only drink 2 cups a day, when I have known for ages that people who drink 3 or more cups a day are statistically less likely to get PD.
Not true! My husband was a coffee lover, drinking lots of cups of coffee a day (mostly at work in the morning), and still diagnosed with PD. Nothing is absolute with PD.
I have been saying it for years . Nobody listens any more. They still dont have it right because the coffee is only part of the solution you have to include the donuts also. MMMMMMM
I drink loads of coffee and still have PD.🙁
The page your link takes me to does something bad to my browser and it locks up for quite a while. So I wasn't able to read the whole thing. But it looks interesting.
Several years ago I came across an article about this, except back then all they thought they knew was that one of the many possible fatty acids in coffee was protecting the brain. The article (which I can no longer find) said that people in Europe were being protected more than people in the US. Their theory was that US coffee drinkers didn't use french presses as much and that those who do use paper filters, while Europeans used metal filters more. The paper filters were taking the protective fatty acids out. So if you're serious about trying this, you might try using a french press with a metal filter. Personally, I've never been a fan of coffee and caffeine in any form makes me jittery. Maybe they'll find a way around that.