Where can your find Treating your Parkinsons with Diet
diet: Where can your find Treating your... - Cure Parkinson's

There's so much on diet and nutrition, there's no good place to start. Every diet that has ever been invented has its own fan club of gospel singers, scientists, doctors, nutritionists and data. You're on your own. Stay away from sugar, corn syrup and vegetable oil.
Do you include olive oil in vegetable oil?
Olive oil is considered to be good for neurological conditions. It was one of the oils along with coconut oil (and other things) that helped get my husband clear of Alzheimer's.
As Marc pointed out, there are many different and conflicting theories. The MJFF site has a useful page on the subject, concluding no diet is proven beneficial for PD. I note although some of the diets may help the microbiome, none are specifically designed to manage it. For now, I am focussing on my mediterranean diet - that involves not being shy of the olive oil. And supplementation and fermented foods to try to nudge the microbiome healthier. I am fortunate, for now, in that I have no need of symptomatic medication (although I have just ordered some CBD oils, lest things get tedious at Christmas). Sinemet in particular has interactions with diet and the microbiome.
The MJFF conclusion is dull but technically correct. That doesn't mean diet isn't important. Just that nobody has yet "proved" its importance. In part this is a limitation of the methodology. If I discover pineapple chunks cure PD I can't run a double blind placebo controlled 3 year study to prove it because nobody can make a placebo pineapple chunk. And placebo effects can be real and huge.
But for now, I see no good case to avoid olive oil. Personally.
Most of MJFF conclusions are dull. In addition, instead of answering the tough questions, they refer you to your doctor. That's what happens when you become big and famous. But, a good resource, nonetheless.
”Sinemet in particular has interactions with diet and the microbiome.“
Please explain?
There is a lot of stuff out there. I have frequently encountered discussions of sinemet's effect on the microbiome in PD microbiome papers I have read
This would be one
As for diet, proteins interfere with Sinemet absorption, and so a low protein diet is often recommended. One of the reasons the keto diet may appear to benefit PWP is that the lower protein levels boost Sinemet absorption.
I am taking ground organic flaxseed with Kefir at the moment, as a prebiotic and bowel cleanser (although the latest one I have found is really tasty) - but whilst flaxseed has many great properties, one of them is as a vegan source of protein.
I think the issue can be mitigated by taking sinemet at least an hour before or after any high protein food.
Thanks, I was aware of the protein issue but not the effect of Sinemet on the microbiome. Will investigate further.
You may be interested in the research into diet and Parkinson's conducted at Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand this year.