Another interesting advance...
Scalpel free Surgery: Another interesting... - Cure Parkinson's
Scalpel free Surgery

Focused ultrasound for PD is being practiced in Korea, Israel, and Japan and probably other places, like Scandinavia. I remember having read a post on HU from someone who had flown to another country to have the procedure. Since it is already FDA approved for essential tremor, you would think it's being approved for PD shouldn't be too long off.
approx 10years ago i was diagnosed with prostate cancer found a site YANA (you are not alone) and made contact with a lovely lady who told me husband went to Belgium for HIFU treatment (high intensive focus ultrasound) i had treatment carried out in Middleheim hospital by a surgeon called mr D Hont iam now 82 still here
I am very hopeful regarding this procedure. I know it’s not a cure, but by all accounts looks extremely helpful. I’ve already started saving....maybe at some point it will be covered by national health cover once FDA approved (currently in stage 3 clinical trials in US) I live in NZ, tremor dominant. I guess until then it’s HDT, healthy diet, excerise and hope.
I participated in the early trial using FUS for dyskinesia in 2016 (patient #5). It was marginally helpful for a time, but I was a bit of an outlier and didn't have as good of an outcome as most of the other participants. They have expanded the study and I think they're still recruiting. I had the procedure at the University of Maryland (Baltimore) Medical Center and they're amazing. And, even though the procedure for ET has been approved, insurance companies are balking at paying for it (it's an expensive procedure). Having it done through research is free other than the travel.
Did it not help your tremor?
Yes, it's "free", but limited to a unilateral (one sided) application. In other words, you get half of a treatment for "free" when participating in current trials stateside. If you want bilateral treatment (i.e., for bilateral tremors, etc.), you may need to fly to Switzerland and pay the hefty out-of-pocket costs.
Hi JUliegrace
was the procedure for Parkinson I am getting tested for the trial study at Stanford
my appointment for assessment is on 29 th Nov
Check also : I think this professor was one the first to do it, it's a very small clinic, but they already over 5 years experience. And in Switzerland it's covered by the health insurance.....
Sure, Janvan, but you have to be Swiss...
That said I would accept Swiss nationality any time...