This may sound a little crazy, but bare with me. I have been trying something that seems to help my tremors while I'm doing it and gives me some relief afterwards, so I wanted you to try it and see if you get any relief. If it does help, give me your take on why you think it does. My tremors usually subside when my meds are kicked in, but when it's time for my next dose, they can get pretty aggravating. I have using my index fingers to push in on my temples and it has been calming the tremors down. Please give it a try and let me know if it gives you any relief or not. Thanks!
Small Experiment: This may sound a little... - Cure Parkinson's
Small Experiment

I tried. No relief.
No result
This post is two years old. I took classes in acupuncture/Chinese Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) says there are energy channels, called meridians, that course through the body. All the channels coalesce atop the skull. The temples are on the Gall Bladder Meridian. TCM says when the meridian is blocked there is dysfunction of the organ. I've done acupuncture on myself by needling local points on my hand and wrist and needling distal points on my head and neck. The points on my wrist and hand seemed to obtund the tremors for a while. The TCM diagnosis for tremors is "Liver Fire". The TCM treatment would be acupuncture and Chinese herbs together. I have a dozen texts on TCM but they've been sent to our new home in Massachusetts so I can't refer to them for more info. I'm a veterinarian in practice for 35 years. I've done acupuncture treatments on siezuring dogs and cats with positive results.
Thanks so much for responding so fast (just kidding)! I swear it works on me most times I try it. I haven't really looked into acupuncture or needling. I have often wondered if Reflexology would be helpful for PwP's ??? Thanks for your input.
May I use your veterinarian wisdom for a major health problem my 13-year old toy poodle has? He was diagnosed with Pancreatitis and possible liver infection on June 25. He is on Prednisone, Zeniquin, and Ursodiol. He has been experiencing weaken muscles due to Prednisone. His appetite is OK as long as he takes Cerenia in the morning. Does he have a chance to survive? I have an appointment with a major Veterinary Teaching Hospital early August to get a definite diagnosis.
Your opinion would be greatly appreciated!
PS. I also give him Vitamin B12, probiotics, and Milk Thistle to help his liver get rid of toxins. He is about to finish his Prednisone treatment (poison ) which I hate and believe it puts a lot of burden to his liver.
I don't believe prednisone is the reason for his weakening muscles. Is this your opinion or was someone with more knowledge of his conditions telling you this? Pancreatitis is insidious because of down-stream effects on liver, intestines, diabetes, pancreatic cancer, etc. Prednisone doesn't cure anything but can reduce inflammation of the body to help it to heal; Dose is critical. The fact that cerenia helps is a good clue that he has a chance of healing. Pancreatic cancer is fatal in most cases. For pancreatitis I've put dogs on IV fluids and kept them off food for days. The reason is to let the pancreatic enzymes calm down and stop enflaming the liver and intestines. I imagine a teaching hospital will give you the best info and the patient the best chance for cure. Ask about low-carb diet, ask about ozone IV or rectal infusions. I've seen positive effects from these 'experimental' treatments.
Good luck,
Thanks a million, KPO! I asked the emergency vet to wean down Prednisone as he was collapsing on his rear legs. She did, and he can walk now without collapsing although he needs help for climbing up or down a couple of steps. I have seen Prednisone terrible side effects when my mom was on it, resulting in heart problems and inability to walk. I also read the side effects for dogs which are ugly. The Blue Pearl Internist put him on a low-fat diet, not low carb. I will ask about ozone IV or rectal infusions, but I don't hold my breath, they are scientists I was told when I asked for homeopathic therapy. Local vet has given him B12 injections and subcutaneous fluids. I am giving him chamomile and bone broth to keep him hydrated. I also give him sweet potatoes and pumpkin. He had X-rays and three US at Blue Pearl (they have a radiologist) which didn't reveal any cancer. I am trying to keep him going until I take him to the teaching hospital (August 3). All came so suddenly. I have spent more than $10,000 and no definite diagnosis as to what caused his elevated liver enzymes which reached: ALT 300, ALKP >2000 and TBIL 1.0 (those were the readings on 7/21. He currently weighs 7.70 lbs. from about 10 lbs before his ordeal.
Those blood tests suggest liver disease might be primary and pancreatitis is secondary. Just a guess. If this case were in my clinic I'd want a liver biopsy. Cirrhosis is possible.
Took hm to the local emergency hospital. Vet offered three options: palliative care (opioids) , euthanasia or blood transfusion. They didn't have blood at the hospital but even if they did, she didn't know how my little dog would react. I elected to take him home and continue without the antibiotics and give him just a little prednisone every other day (if he survives). I will also continue with SAM-e and milk thistle and maybe bone broth. Hope he comes around. I was also hoping that I would have the opportunity to take him to the veterinary teaching hospital.
I think reflexology treats the fascia which covers the entire body.