rotigotine patches anyone used them
rotigotine patches: rotigotine patches... - Cure Parkinson's
rotigotine patches

Yes, I have for about 7-8 years. No problems.
This is a dopamine agonist which can cause impulse control disorders, meaning compulsive gambling, compulsive sex, compulsive eating, or compulsive shopping. It can also cause orthostatic hypotension - meaning - stand up, faint, fall down.
4 mg patch daily; I've been up to 6 mg, but 4 mg works best in conjunction with C/L.
MyBeloved has been very sensitive to upping the dose so we have taken a year to go from 1mg to 7mg. Each time is some upset - compulsive 'have to get up and go' (very typical of him earlier in life ) and deep sleeps. But, that said, he benefits. Not, I should say, from the generic brands (!) but thankfully he gets the original. The consultant 'gets' his sensitivity and we'll be hearing soon how to proceed i.e. if continuing this way is okay.
I use frequently.....but has side effects....check out nuepro website