Risks of ketogenic diet
Risks of ketogenic diet: Risks of ketogenic... - Cure Parkinson's
Risks of ketogenic diet

I think he "Protest" too much! The use of the word, "May" is very common in medical reports, especially on the so called benefits to be derived from taking this or that medication.
Yes we 'may' stand a chance of damaging our kidneys if we go on a ketogenic diet, like we 'may' win the jackpot.
I want to see the word, "Will" when I read a report on this or that. Like, "You WILL get diabetes if you eat too much carbohydrates and sugar.
I think there are far greater benefits from going on a ketogenic diet than there are dangers. We are far less healthy since we went onto the High Carb diet and margerine diet than we were when we ate lots of meat and butter. I never saw an obese person until we all started this hi carb nonsense. That keeps the doctors busy but it does not make sense to me.
This makes the keto diet sound destructive! It isn't--quite the opposite. The keto diet, properly applied, was a major factor that reversed my husband's Alzheimer's; his long-term diabetes was also reversed. The diet was recommended by US neurologist Dr David Perlmutter who himself lives on the diet to stay healthy. There are a lot of errors in the article you read, Aspergerian. There is no shortage of vegetables, so no shortage of fibre. I am a vegetarian and have thrived on the keto diet for a few years. The so- called keto-flu is a phenomenon that lasts a very few days while the body adjusts to using fat instead of sugar for fuel. I could say a lot more but will spare you . If you want more info, contact me at m1tz1and@gmail.com
I had Lupus, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis and I was 30kg overweight. After I had been on the keto diet for three months all those began to abate. Now, five years later, I have lost 30kg and, though I do have Parkinsons, I don't have any of those things. The reduction in pain from arthritis was amazing. I had struggled to sleep for years because of it and it was gone. I really believe in the keto diet as a life saver.
I follow the Ketogenic diet but not too strictly. I eat a slice of bread of bread occasionally.
Excellent points in rebuttal of the article's allegations.