I have found some symptomatic benefit using this combination. Anyone else out there?
Anyone out there with Parkinson’s using c... - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone out there with Parkinson’s using carbidopa/levodopa and Mucuna derived l-dopa together?

My husband is and he thinks it helps somewhat.
Yes very good. My husband has been on ut for over 6 mthe and works very well and u can reduce yr sinemet and up mucuna. He uses zandopa from Zandu .only takes half sinemet 3 times in 24hrs the rest is controlled by mucuna.
Read the book mucuna versus parkinson treatment with natural levodopa by DR Rafael Gonzalez. Available through Amazon as paperback or e book make sure u order english version. Excellent study and very helpful.
Hey Angora12,
Thanks so much for confirming that what I’m doing is not that far-fetched. I have read that book and evolved into designing my own ocktail that definitely provides symptomatic benefit. Do you know of a users-group or something like that where we can discuss our outcomes? The neurologists have nothing to say on mucuna, and I understand why. Thanks! -A
Yes I get half my ldopa from mucuna and half from madopar.
Hi, I have not used madopar. What is in it?
Madopar is the preferred ldopa drug prescribed in Australia and Europe instead of Sinimet.
Thank you, I have heard of it, but never knew it was the preferred choice in Australia and Europe. What makes it so?
No, but be careful-they have the same effect and it can cause diskenysia. Titrate up-start small.
I take 1/4 c/l tablet twice daily along with 800 mg 15% Mucuna (120 mg l-dopa)