An Article Worth Reading :
17 Action Steps to Improve Parkinson’s Di... - Cure Parkinson's
17 Action Steps to Improve Parkinson’s Disease

Great article.
"Unfortunately, L-dopa depletes the body of key nutrients that are precursers to major neurotransmitters in the brain. This includes L-tryptophan, L-tyrosine, serotonin and sulfur compounds which are needed to produce glutathione (26, 27, 28, 29). This causes further neurological problems and is responsible for many of the mood disorders that are common side effects of L-dopa medication usage."
A link from the article - probably controversial?
(Marty Hinz)
Now you know I wont let you getaway with that MBA!
What ‘many mood disorders that are common side effects of levadopa? ‘ First I’ve heard of it.
And as to his claims about increased death rate, bollocks I say!
Are you going to make me go back and reread dozens of posts to pull out comments of people who report mood disorders as side effects? (Ugh. Some of these posts were pretty tedious the first time through.) Or, tell me how many times have you read comments to the effect of, 'my husband took such and such began to feel X and Y and Z? With X or Y or Z being anxious, fatigued, depressed, confused, and what not. No?
Levodopa side effects. It's quite a list! Makes you think you should pay close attention to how you feel when starting on it for first time. The link to where I got the list from is at the bottom of the page.
More Common:
Abnormal thinking: holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact
clenching or grinding of teeth
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty swallowing
excessive watering of mouth
false sense of well being
feeling faint
general feeling of discomfort or illness
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there)
hand tremor, increased
nausea or vomiting
unusual and uncontrolled movements of the body, including the face, tongue, arms, hands, head, and upper body
unusual tiredness or weakness
Less common
Blurred vision
difficult urination
difficulty opening mouth
dilated (large) pupils
dizziness or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position
double vision
fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat
hot flashes
increased blinking or spasm of eyelids
loss of bladder control
mental depression
other mood or mental changes
skin rash
unusual weight gain or loss
Back or leg pain
bloody or black tarry stools
convulsions (seizures)
high blood pressure
inability to move eyes
loss of appetite
pain, tenderness, or swelling of foot or leg
pale skin
prolonged, painful, inappropriate penile erection
sore throat
stomach pain
swelling of face
swelling of feet or lower legs
vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds

I'd like the 'false sense of well being' side effect please!
Instead I have a jaw clenched so tightly I'm wearing down my teeth!

A list like that is very unconvincing to me. It is a catchall probably to safe guard against litigation and I find it meaningless without supporting evidence.
But then I ‘m not a fan of because of precisely this.
The Mayo Clinic does not look any better:
More common
Abnormal thinking: holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact
clenching or grinding of teeth
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty swallowing
excessive watering of mouth
false sense of well being
feeling faint
general feeling of discomfort or illness
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there)
hand tremor, increased
nausea or vomiting
unusual and uncontrolled movements of the body, including the face, tongue, arms, hands, head, and upper body
unusual tiredness or weakness
Less common
Blurred vision
difficult urination
difficulty opening mouth
dilated (large) pupils
dizziness or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position
double vision
fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat
hot flashes
increased blinking or spasm of eyelids
loss of bladder control
mental depression
other mood or mental changes
skin rash
unusual weight gain or loss
Back or leg pain
bloody or black tarry stools
convulsions (seizures)
high blood pressure
inability to move eyes
loss of appetite
pain, tenderness, or swelling of foot or leg
pale skin
prolonged, painful, inappropriate penile erection
sore throat
stomach pain
swelling of face
swelling of feet or lower legs
vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:

Aspirin Side Effects
Abdominal or stomach pain, cramping, or burning
black, tarry stools
bloody or cloudy urine
change in consciousness
chest pain or discomfort
convulsions, severe or continuing
dark urine
decreased frequency or amount of urine
difficult breathing
fast breathing
feeling that something terrible will happen
general tiredness and weakness
greatly decreased frequency of urination or amount of urine
increased thirst
irregular heartbeat
light-colored stools
loss of appetite
loss of consciousness
lower back or side pain
muscle cramping and weakness
muscle tremors
nausea or vomiting
numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lips
rapid, deep breathing
skin rash
stomach cramps
swelling of the face, fingers, or lower legs
unusual bleeding or bruising
unusual tiredness or weakness
upper right abdominal or stomach
vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
weakness or heaviness of the legs
weight gain
yellow eyes and skin
Really these lists mean little, they are the internet knowledge that patients might use to justify a decision. I’m sure many specialists have little confidence in what we say when we use such superficial info without question. Too much water can kill but we balance that with other knowledge about water.
OK so that is patient report on HU but are they actually supporting your assertion? I would think it is the disease and lack of dopamine that causes the mood disorders. I know personally that levadopa improves my mood and when my meds are low/due then I get irritable and short tempered.
You are excused from trolling the posts MBA but what about research studies? If it is common side effect of LDopa there should be some.
Thank you, thank you Hikoi for the reprieve. My life is boring enough. And thank you, easilly, for such a comprehensive list.
PS mood disorders was quotes. I almost defended an assertion by the author of the article.
You're welcome MBA, people using it are having those reactions to it! It's quite a list.
Hi Kia,
This article is very beautiful and gives me the opportunity to reiterate some of my opinions on this, especially if it is read according to the scheme that all the organs of life, from the simplest like the cell, to the most complex as the entire human body can be divided by a better study and understanding in two parts: Structure and function. Obviously the author does not make this subdivision, but by reading we better understand what a cell does and which structure use to do it. An example here is what happens to a cell or mitochondrion when, due to a toxic substance and a deficiency , forms inadequate substances for use such as free radicals. The design in this article is very eloquent, especially the effect on cell membranes. My personal opinion is that life at the cellular level is able to perform its functions even in the presence of nutritional deficiencies and toxic substances. What happens if, for example, The cells do not find vitamin C at their disposal, theiy will use calcium or a similar toxic substance present, creating lower quality compounds that accumulating in the body structure will cause its aging and disease. We PD sufferers could be genetically predisposed to undergo this aging earlier in terms of a precise organ and it annoys a little because we see our simil aging differently, but old age comes for everyone and everyone has a weak point, so we can not complain. I point out to weak support of my fanciful theory that all the research of b1 starts from the discovery that it solves chronic fatigue and if you notice from this site the success stories derive from this resolution, like intense physical exercise for those who can. This tells us that by improving the function at any level, cellular ,organic or corporeal, the structure will benefit and we will remain young people forever ... emh no. Not really.
Only a almost normal life .
And the gods laugh in their sleeve... whom to watch, whom to believe...