Can Garlic Treat Parkinson’s Disease? - Cure Parkinson's
Can Garlic Treat Parkinson’s Disease?

I read somewhere that an Indian treatment of PD consisted in eating the morning on an empty stomach :
- one clove on day 1
- two cloves on day 2
- three cloves on day 3
- 21 cloves on day 21
- 20 cloves on day 22
- 19 cloves on day 23
- 1 clove on day 42
And voilà : PD gone.
I did not try myself.
I guess most people prefer PD to such a treatment...
Good article. But I am more interested in knowing whether someone has tried it
Qoute from article:
"What causes Parkinson’s?
Parkinson’s is complex. The conventional theory that it is just a matter of the brain’s substantia nigra cells losing the ability to produce dopamine is no longer valid. The science has progressed significantly in the past decade.
This had led medical researchers to the reality that the dopamine-producing brain neurons in the substantia nigra begin to slowly die following a mixture of assaults."
Guess I need to plant some garlic in the garden. Interesting article. If anyone tried it, I hope they post their experience.
I can't imagine myself eating 20 garlic cloves with my morning coffee. Let alone meeting people after that and having to explain that I found the treatment over the Internet
We should draw straws one of us that will have to try
Most relevant reference in this article is "S-Allylcysteine, a garlic compound, protects against oxidative stress in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced parkinsonism in mice." No testing of whole garlic even in an animal model much less in humans.
Thanks for posting. Apropos of garlic about 35 years ago my husband developed a stubborn sciatica he was in horrible pain for quite a while. I had a book called nature doctor by dr Vogel, a naturopath. What dr. Vogel said was that sciatica is inflammation of a nerve caused by some kind of an organism. He recommended what he called garlic milk. About 3 times a day I pressed 1/2 of a head of garlic into warm milk and my husband would drink it. Never had any garlic odor on him and it took care of his sciatica.
1/2 of a head is quite a few cloves! How many cloves were in your remedy? I noticed the other day my neck pain was better after using garlic! Though if the cloves are pressed, it's much more mellow than chopping up 1/2 head of garlic!
My 2cents. Garlic contains a great deal of vitamin b1 (Thiamine) and sulfur which yeilds glutathione
In an entry by Simon in his ScienceofParkinsons blog, He reports findings of a study of a town in New Zealand called Rotorura that has geothermal waters.
"While the researchers found no association between hydrogen sulfide exposure and cognitive ability, they did notice something interesting in the measures of fine motor skills: individuals exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulfide displayed faster motor response times on tasks like finger tapping. Finger tapping speed is an important part of Parkinson’s Motor Rating Scale examination tests"
He cautions that Hydrogen Sulfide is a poisonous gas at 1000 ppm, but goes on to note that hydrogen sulfide is found in garlic, warm milk, beef lamb.
Hydrogen Sulfide is already known for it's cardio protective properties. For Parkinson's he reports on studies on how the compound H2S interacts with protein formation in the brain and a speculation that H2S may be the compound in cigarette smoke and coffee acting in a beneficial manner on the Prevotella population in the gut.
I've thought about this. My wife chops garlic clove in the morning which allows the garlic reactions to activate and eats it raw as a blood pressure reducing measure. I've thought about the old Vedic remedy for Parkinson's of a clove per day plus one, for thee weeks and back again but I just can't. I add to my pasta sauce and with sauté vegetables though.
One thing I've been taught along the way in my herbal studies is that garlic can kill just about anything if eaten raw. So to put it in a pasta sauce isn't going to achieve much. In Dr. Christopher's "Curing the Incurables Program", eating enough raw garlic and following the rest of his protocol, it can cure diabetes. The easiest way I've found to consume a clove of garlic is to chop very finely, pop it in your mouth and wash down with tomato juice. you don't have to chew it if you mince it up fine and tomato juice makes it seem like something normal. That's a whole lot of garlic in those directions.....I'm not sure I could do it either, but I hope if somebody does get through, they'll report back here. Thanks for sharing.

Cure Diabetes? I think not.
I found this:
Please visit the link below. Tons of information about garlic. I think it’s a natural wonder drug.