My wife recently had a Video Swallow test. The speech Pathologist told her throat muscles were weak and it was due to PD. Has anyone heard of this and if so, is the condition progressive?
Throat muscles : My wife recently had a... - Cure Parkinson's
Throat muscles

I had a swallow test, too. Same results. I believe it is progressive. The speech therapist could recommend exercises to maintain muscle tone.
My husband has had significant improvement in swallowing and speech with LSTV voice therapy. Your doctor can provide a prescription for this therapy. It is well worth it.
Its the PD. It does not matter if the muscle is reacted voluntarily like your leg or involuntarily like your bowls, PD interrupts communication. It is like my brain has turned against me. The bowls tell the brain , getting full look for washroom within 20 minutes. My brain says ok and then tells the muscles to empty the bowl now. Two minute warning. Now think about how many functions you have tied to muscle reaction to a brain sending incorrect messages every where.
Swallowing, blinking, and you know the heart is just muscle right, well all these muscles loose strength all because my brain is out to get me.
But you were talking about throat , mmmmm sorry wrong end of the food chain.
And what does your post have to do with anything except pessimism
The purpose was to answer the question asked and make Newbys like Iben aware that many of the things that have changed in their body ( non motor symptoms ) are directly related to PD, dry eyes, dry throat,constipation etc and will improve just like motor symptoms like freezing and shaking with proper medication and exercise. If you want happy, happy , I do not blow that smoke. What you call pessimism, I call reality. Please explain what the symbols next to your name mean .
OK- explained. Year born. Aren't you more curious about the name?
I thought you probably own an very old classic Dodge Truck
We would like pictures of the truck please
Why would you think that?
This must the muscle swallowing video. My husband has problems with swallowing at the beginning but after doing the chin tuck exercise it went away.Is her posture a little bendy like a table top.? As far as i know swallowing will always be a problem in PD
The chin tuck exercise? Could you please explain it? My husband choked a few weeks back... very frightening!
Posture exercise utube by Ed Debo. It says that the posture goes down and eventually goes down like a table top. He explains that when the posture goes down , the food can not go down thru the normal digestive system and people then drools and gets choked or cough.My husband does this exercise every morning . It seemed to have helped with his swallowing.Is your husbands posture affected?. Yers , its very very frightening. I thought he was going to die!!!
My throat muscles are weakening due to PD. I first noticed it a few years ago when I choked on an apple bite while out for a walk. Water helped, but it was scary. My voice has become so soft that I almost have to yell if I want to be heard. Just yesterday, I experienced a sore muscle in my throat that is making it difficult to swallow. I am very concious of my need for liquids close at hand when eating .
Yes PD can reduce your voice to a wisper.
There is a therapy called Big & Loud. Ask your physical therapist about it.
If you or anyone is interested in having 6-8 articles on swallowing emailed to them covering tips on swallowing, how it works, exercises and links to webinars, on swallowing just let me know via email to There is much more than just attending LSVT Loud program (though that is good as well)
I have developed a trick for swallowing big pills.... I had the swallowing endoscopic viewing test showing a weakness on my right. I discovered that if I turned my head slightly to the right and put the pill on the left side of my tongue that with sufficient water it would all slide down easily. Don’t know if it helps others but it sure helps me.
What a clever idea! It is a good example of technology not always needing to be complex. I know many people think that technology or physiotherapy & for example must involve big, easily visible movements. As a veteran of 14 yrs with PD I have lost count of the number of people who think that the size of the movements indicates the likely success. It's as though you get value for money by demonstrating large, often complex routines.