hello-i know that exercise is good for parkinson iam training 2 times a week for a month and i felt good at the first but then my symptoms is progressed (slow movment-rigidity increased) i dont know it is from exercise or not( i use some weights -riding bike for 20 min ) ?
exercises and parkinson?: hello-i know that... - Cure Parkinson's
exercises and parkinson?

Try rocksteadyboxing.org. for 2 months 3 times a week and see if you feel better.
I think exercise might work better if you do regimented exercise - I fast walk 3 times a week, leaving a day in between to recover - objective is 1 hour with heart bpm of 130 +, which I'm achieving - 7.5 kilometres per walk. And not in the gym but outside where you have to stay in the present. You build up slowly from 20 minutes per walk. Please see John Pepper's book "Reverse Parkinsons Disease", and his posts on this site.
I play 18 holes of golf, walking no cart, 3 or 4 times a week. I cycle on the road in a group as fast as we can for about an hour on days I don't play golf and as long as I take the Sinemet (to reduce slight tremor in right leg) have virtually no PD symptoms. I have just returned from a golf holiday in Australia. I am 73.
I think from what I have read 40-45 minutes cardiovascular at least every other day is the minimum to stop progression. It should also be varied. My ideal is to split between running, and biking (stationary or outside if warm enough) and rowing/eliptical trainer at the gym. I have also bought a punchbag (luckily I have a garage to put it in) to vary it even more.
Any old exercise is not necessarily good for Pd. I know that Fast Walking is, and Dancing is, and boxing is, but i have just spoken to a Pd patient in New York who has been able to reverse hi s Pd symptoms by regularly playing Ping Pong.
My advice to you is to do the exercise slowly to begin with and build up over time to a a maximum of 1 hour, three times a week.
Look at my profile and contact me on reverseParkinsons.net
I am an ultra runner with PD and I also lift weights . Exercise is the best for me, body and mind . However when doing a lot of exercise I do have to add a bit more medication cd/ld otherwise I can lock in place. So maybe even adding a half a pill before or after you exercise might help with your rigidity.