many people have made their way to rob people with Parkinson by giving them false hope of recovery by adopting their programs. one of such people is Robert
Fraudulent Parkinson recovery programs - Cure Parkinson's
Fraudulent Parkinson recovery programs

Not saying that you're wrong but am intrigued what this guy has/hasn't done to encourage you to post about it?
three things
1. he says that he was motivated by the pd of his mother to help others. but when someone wants to enroll in his class , he heavily charges for it
2. I sent him an email requesting that I want to enroll with him but don't have enough money. he straight away replied that class is full. How when I sent him email from a different ID and offered full payment he suddenly accepted it.
3. he is advertising for vielight on hisome blog. they pay 10 percent for each unit sale which are purchased by customers inspired by his blog.
And there is more... Robert Rodgers Ph.D. in something or other, not medicine, asked me to be interviewed for his radio show, then transcribed the interview, adding information from other people pretending it was part of the interview and made me a chapter in his book on recovery from PD. I have NEVER claimed to have recovered from PD. Then he decided that short pamphlets would sell better and he took my cycling story, rewrote it again without my knowledge or permission with many "new" facts, and published it with a photo of kayaks on the cover. Imagine my surprise to see that I had authored a piece without being aware of. it! All profits to him of course and riddled with untruths. I had Amazon pull it from my site, but once something is out. there, getting it out of circulation is next to impossible.
Nan, that is such a story of deceit. I think he is not the only one to adapt a story to fit his agenda and make money from it. Isnt there anything else that can be done ?
I decided not to let it eat up my life. Most of the people I meet are good folks doing the best they can. Robert said he thought I would be happy that my story was being told and possibly helping others. It's a big swing from that to publishing something without the author's permission or even knowledge! I know that people share my story a lot and that's great. Robert crossed the line. He has to live with himself.
My husband is using the VieLight10. I didn't buy it through Robert, i got it directly from the company. It is a nasal devise and costs $499. It has helped him a lot. He sleeps now at night, doesn't sleep all day, has the desire to go out again and see people and likes to converse. None of these things did he do before. I would never want to go back to him not using it.It started helping around 2 weeks. Now it has been over a month. He is working on his balance and has been back on his exercise bicycle.
Thanks for the info! One needs to fully understand the pathophysiology of neuro-degeneration, and specifically the role of Lewy bodies and neuromelanin-containing neurons in the pars compacta region of the substantial migration of the brain stem. Once one understands this process in the development of Parkinson’s disease, and realizes that the loss of neurons and the resulting loss of dopamine, in neurodegeneration is not replaceable. There is no cure, at this time, that I know of, once that process has begun. Parkinson’s related degeneration can be widespread in both the Central and Peripheral nervous systems. Some people are lucky enough to have mild degeneration, with few symptoms, and some feel they have found a cure, because, maybe it doesn’t seem to progress. The information that I stated above is from the Movement Disorder Society website, and From googling definition of what neuro-degeneration in PD means. So I would be wary of recovery programs. Programs that help with symptoms and improve dealing with the difficulties of living with the problems that sometimes come with living with PD, I think are a good idea. I don’t know of a “magic” recovery program that will cure anybody of any neuro-degenerative brain 🧠 and/or spinal disease.
Correction: substantia nigra is the correct wording above, to replace “substantial migration”. Unfortunately, my auto-spell correct system got in the way there, and I do apologize for that mistake. ( on my previous post ) ddmagee1
What this gadget does and which company makes it
It's a TENS machine - snazzier than the old ones used to 'tighten your stomach muscles' while you relax, but basically the same; passing current through to muscles.
Can it be used with people who have pace makers? some of these electrical devises can't be.
Using vielight gamma for almost 2 months but no results yet.
My husband is using the VieLight 810 that delivers the ultra red pulse to the base of the brain through membrane in the nose. It works differently than the devise that fits over the top of the head, which may be what the Gamma model is.. We went out with friends last night and they were amazed how much better he was than the last time they saw him. He judges himself by how well he can play chess once a week.
Thanks for the information. Will see if I can exchange gamma for 810 after 12 weeks. Will give it another month.
Good idea. What problems are you trying to solve? My husband started improving at 2 weeks, which i read is fairly normal, so 12 weeks to work doesn't sound right. The biggest results he has had are a better memory and improving terrible insomnia. Some of the good results may simply be due to sleeping, but that was a miracle in it's self.I wrote to the company and they wrote back saying they liked hearing about results. Why don't you write to them and see what they have to say as relating to your symptoms. If you don't have an email address, I can get one for you. (I sound like a sales person for VieLight 810, but I'm not. I am an RN, so maybe I happen to believe more in trying new things, but I am very pleased.)
I was hoping to get relief from tremor & pain/spasm.
I will call & ask them this week.
I was also detoxing so I don't know if it affects all these not getting a result.
If you can, online, got to AARP Dec. 2017 and read their article on page 24 about "Bright New Remedies: exploring how light therapy can be used to treat ailments from depression to Alzheimer's." I'd cancel the Gamma and get the much cheaper VieLight 810, that works better for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's from what I understand.
Beware. Deceitful people have always been trying to sell the old “ snake oil”. Don’t like it when people take advantage of others.
It is the VieLight 810
Try putting the above information in. It is a video on the VieLight 10