All her stuff is free
Four good videos on things you can do re ... - Cure Parkinson's
Four good videos on things you can do re gut health

This looks interesting. Have you tried this course? Or are you considering it? So far I am just continuing with the usual pd medication (still early days), but will watch these videos and see if I might have the willpower to stick to changes in diet etc. Next month we will be in the Canary Isles (a British variant of snowboarding!) We go there for 5 weeks to escape the rest of the winter here. It would be difficult to change diet there as we'll be on a small island with mainly tourist style food and limited choice in shops and will be eating out a lot with friends. But the relaxation will be good, and lots of walking exercise.
I adhere to the Ketogenic diet. I have eliminated or reduced by 95%, alcohol, soda pop, red meat, sugar, dairy, bread, lectins, gluten, processed food, and fried food. I just recently downloaded her workbook and I'm going to examine it for her recommendations about supplements. Yes, it'll be nearly impossible to adhere to a good diet in the tourist destination, but then life is for living - even with illness.
It will be difficult for me even at home, as I like to cook, my husband works long hours at home and our highlight is eating meals together. I don't have the energy to prepare separate things. But would like to try something, as a recent endoscopy diagnnosed some stomach inflammation. Have already cut out most lactose for myself and cut down on gluten.
Thank you for sharing that. It looks great!