Crying: Sitting here crying because I feel... - Cure Parkinson's

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Teafor22 profile image
41 Replies

Sitting here crying because I feel so miserable



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Teafor22 profile image
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41 Replies
24071950 profile image

Hi why are you feeling like that.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to 24071950

Hi. Just tired of feeling sick. Want to be well.

laglag profile image

Have you tried coconut oil or Emergen C? They help some people & some not. Might be worth a try. Are you still walking? That should help also. And make sure you're not dehydrated.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to laglag

What is emergen c. Yes. 30 minutes a day.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to Teafor22

Need more water

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to Teafor22

Where I buy it?

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to Teafor22

Emergen C is a powder that you mix with water. It has 1,000 mg of Vit C that is a good antioxidant, which are good for your body and it has magnesium which is good for pain & stiffness. It has B vitamins and it has electrolytes that help your whole body. See below:

You may not be aware that your body has electricity running through it. These electric charges maintain water balance and pH levels. They affect your muscle function and other processes, including those in your brain. The electric charges come from minerals known as electrolytes. The most common include sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, magnesium and phosphorous. If your electrolytes become completely depleted, your body cannot function."

You can get it from places like Wal-Mart, Target, etc. and you can order it from Amazon.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to laglag

May I ask you which emergen C you recommend? There are varieties for electrolytes, energy, anti oxidants, sleep... so many types! Which helps you get through a PD crisis the best?

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to bassofspades

Yes, just the regular dietary supplement that says: Emergen C. 1,000 mg. Vitamin C.

I actually took it every day for 3 weeks before I felt a significant improvement. I was having extreme pain & stiffness in my thighs & groin for probably about 6 months or longer & my neighbor told me about it. It gave me a bit more energy each day but one evening I got out of my recliner & I got right up & started marching up & down. My husband asked what I was doing & I said, no pain! That was about 2 years ago. Now, if I miss 2 or 3 days, the pain starts to come back. I also have bursitis in my hips & it helps it too. I've tried the one for sleep & I can't say it helped my sleep much, but I didn't take very many nights. There are a few people on this site that it's helped also but a couple it has not. It's worth a try. Antioxidants are good for you. Make sure you take it every day. Good luck & let me know.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to laglag

Thank you so much! I do take vitamin C, currently at divided doses to 8000mg to 10,000 mg per day. I used to take up to 20,000 mg per day, I know that sounds insane, but it helped me with my spinal stenosis.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to bassofspades

Thanks! My dad had spinal stenosis surgery about 10 yrs ago. He had some nerve damage from the surgery. As far as the Emergen C, I think the magnesium & B vitamins help too. Mixing with water makes me drink more water, which I'm bad at doing.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to laglag

going to go with your recommendation!

Thank you!

carpark profile image
carpark in reply to bassofspades

Wow, thanks for this information. I just had surgery for cervical spinal stenosis. Still hoping some of my symptoms will improve.

bassofspades profile image
bassofspades in reply to laglag

I picked up a small box (10) of Emergen C today. I bought the name brand to try it but when I was comparing it to CVS's generic, I noticed that the generic contained Cysteine Hydrochloride, which is a precursor to Glutathione - an essential anti oxidant for us patients with Parkinsonian Syndrome. Next time I'll get the generic and check it out. The name brand box does not have that.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to bassofspades

Wow, good thinking. I'll check that out. Let me know when you try it & I'll do the same.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to bassofspades

FYI: My neurologist & GP said it was safe for me to take the Emergen C.

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to laglag

Ok with sinemet?

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to Rosabellazita


Beckey profile image
Beckey in reply to laglag

Here in California, you can find it in grocery stores and drugstores too.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to Teafor22

What about gaderaid.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to laglag

I see there different flavors. I. Can t. Use orange. What do you suggest

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to Teafor22


Teafor22 profile image

What about gaderaid

faridaro profile image
faridaro in reply to Teafor22

Gatorade has sugar, citric acid, flavorings, colorings and a couple of minerals like sodium and potassium - kind of like artificial lemonade, so it really has no health value.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to Teafor22

Gatorade has electrolytes but I don't believe anything else that would benefit.

TheresaCurley profile image

I have no advice. I got into the depths. of depression at times also. Just want to tell you, you are not alone and I'm sending a virtual tight hug.

stanny7 profile image

I know the feeling when my meds are off i can barely walk... Only really happened in the last 3 weeks... I've cried and feel so depressed i just want to feel better! x

I think we all feel like this from time to time.

Big bear hug for you😊

God bless you

bassofspades profile image

My friend, just remember we go through cycles. You are on the bottom of the down side of your cycle, so the good news is that you're going to go up from here soon! Hang in there, get some chill time and we'll see you on the upswing soon! Something to look forward to. Treat yourself to a really good cup of coffee for now. The caffeine helps your body with Dopamine usage. Head to Starbucks and splurge on a Mocha, that's what I would do!

stevie3 profile image

I absolutely endorse what laglag said about emergen C. She told me about it two years ago (still grateful, laglag) and I've taken it religiously. If I don't, I'm stiffer and in pain. It's easy to get, cheap and the flavour is irrelevant. My experience, Dot, is that I've tried a lot of the very sensible things people suggest here and some work for me, others don't. I know that, for example, I'd be unlikely to keep to an extreme diet. However, I've astonished myself by sticking to an exercise routine for three years that incorporates high intensity exercise and something called PD warrior. I take certain supplements and use mucunna puriens. I've gone back and read a lot of the historical posts and got very useful information from them. My big problem like so many of us is difficulty sleeping. Most of all, I try not to dwell on this (although it's tough) and stsy busy. I'm fortunate, I still work, I love what I do and I can go for minutes at a time without thinking of Parkinson's!

Bridielena profile image
Bridielena in reply to stevie3

Stevie how long have you had this condition. I worked too for years but now 13 years on from diagnosis it's impossible.

Bridielena profile image

Cry, scream, throw are entitled. I cry too mostly early mornings when I cant sleep from pain pain & more pain. Dyskenesia has wrecked a shoulder and thats worse than the Dystonia which also hits early morning. My mind is whirling and my Will to walk is all consuming But the brain forbids it. I have been on this journey nearly 13 years. 10 were relatively normal ...these following years have been hard.

Waiting for my dear friend in a coffee shop today I had a stranger come ip to me and asked if i was ok and could she help

...more tears welled up. I looked drunk.

You must socialise. I find that so comforting. I do have a husband who has not retired so he's not around to perk me up .

I play lots of music. Start as early as 3/4 am after settling into tip up chair. I have playlists from utube which i just lose myself in. Come 5am and pills begin...Madopar= Dyskenesia. 30 minutes later I can function again but ON time is only 3 hours. Yes, Cry all you want. Somehow you do feel a load has been lifted from your very broad shoulders. I still achieve full household duties albeit they take longer and also have a 90 year old Mum who I visit and help when possible

I have tried just about everything there is even Marijuana

The only thing now is a Berocca every morning.

Play that music my dear and cry if you wish you are not alone. At present im looking and listening to the wonderful Red Army Quoir...all died in a recent plane crash...tears are welling up..goodnight sweetheart.

Bridielena profile image

Oh by the way Dot im Australian heritage British.

jt12 profile image

Has anyone heard of Zipfizz? It’s a lot like Emerg C but it has more Vit B12. I take it every morning and it gives me good energy. You can order it directly from, Amazon or Costco. Try it, I love it and so many flavors.

Niludi profile image

Don't worry it's the PD doing that.meds can make you feel sick

I take 8mc Ropinarole twice and sinnemett 4 times a day.ropinarol causes so much acidity after a couple of months I feel sick and I believe it's nature's way of getting bad toxins out.keep a diary

I did and it worked.and I have found I have become so emotional and start crying foŕ absolutely no reason.hut if it bothers you please get in touch with your PD doc. Or nurse


trishtheteacher profile image

Praying for you, Dot. You're going through a rough patch now, but it will get better.

Teafor22 profile image
Teafor22 in reply to trishtheteacher

I. Hope so. One day feel great. One day lousy. Tired of it Want to feel good. Want Dot back again I no it will not ever again. Is it the meds? Is. It my feelings? Dot

Dot, what you are dealing with is a chemical imbalance. I was on anti depressants but it did not help. I would watch the Blind Side and would cry at parts. I told myself that this is stupid but I could not help myself. Can you believe that I cried so much at my mother in law's funeral that her 8 kids and families were amazed at how much it was affecting me. Made some brownie points with my wife's side of the family that day. I am now on 200 mg of sertraline a day and still need more.

Teafor22 profile image

I feel better if I don’t look up on Parkenson. It’s make me depress

12Maxwell3 profile image
12Maxwell3 in reply to Teafor22

Do you mean on here or Parkinson’s on line

Teafor22 profile image

Parkinson on line. Not here. All been great

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