anybody have a link to current research on this drug. A naturopath put me on it, saying it would help slow the progression. Western medicine doc says it's not indicated. I'm not having luck finding current info/research.
low dose naltrexone: anybody have a link to... - Cure Parkinson's
low dose naltrexone

Hi I take LDN try the LDN research site. Can’t find a link but you should find it on google. You can PM me if you want any further info. Good Luck
Medicine in this country is only approved for use based on controlled studies. That means that the approval is only for the demographic group of the study because that is the only one which proves the result. Ex: X is tested on women aged 35-65 with a disease; also tested in same using a placebo and/or the same demographic using dome other med. the latter two are the ‘control’ groups. If those using X are seen to have a significant level of improvement beyond that in the control groups, it will be considered by the FDA for approval for use in women aged 35-65 with the disease. This is the scientific method. It costs millions of dollars to test a product so all meds will not be tested for all demographics.
That does not mean your dr cannot use it ‘off-label’ for some other use. He probably will not due to the risk of being sued by a trial lawyer.
Don’t know if it affects progress of PD but my husband did use naltrexone for a while to help his mood. Subbed l theanine very successfully
Hi I have fibromyalgia but my friend has pd so was looking good through this site I live in Glasgow I can get a private prescription for it you get a letter from your doctor to say you have pd Dr Chris Steel the doctor on tv done a film about it go onto you tube there you will get the phone number of a pharmacy that will give you it in your area it costs less than £30 a month mind you cannot be on any opidiods pain killers while taking it hope this helps take care Maria on Gerry site