Timely information on anticholinergic drugs - Cure Parkinson's
Timely information on anticholinergic drugs

I had a look.
Why do they not list the drugs without AC effect, instead of those with AC effect ?
Would have been so much shorter...
Living in a retirement village I come into contact with many people with Memory problems and others with Dementia or Alzheimer's. I am going to show our Matron this artice ad find out what percentage of these people are using anticholinergic drugs.
Alzheimer's is a spirochete parasitic disease, too bad that the Establishment doesn't recognize this.
Important findings and plain-English commentary.
There is a well known connection between antcholenergics and short term cognitive problems but i have not read research about long term effects. Seems even our favcourite Benadryl is included.
Parkinsons affects the the neurotrasmitter acetycholine, i wonder what the effect of that is in all of this.