Doxycycline For Treatment Of PD - Cure Parkinson's
Doxycycline For Treatment Of PD

Sounds interesting... I was taking Doxy for about a month last year after being diagnosed with Lyme. During this treatment I felt completely drained of energy and also developed bleeding in my eye. Another drawback might be that it can negatively affect intestinal flora and from recent research it seems that our unbalanced gut microbiome can be a culprit in PD.
From what I understand, this antibiotic would be used in a much lower dose to reduce alpha synuclein than would otherwise be used to treat lyme disease or other pathogen. I'm no expert on this, but like naltrexone, doxycycline, at. a lower dose might be effective for treating PD. I do understand the concern of harming the gut flora. My gut flora is completely out of balance anyway.
Very interesting. I read the word Doxycycline and asked myself why does that sound familiar? Oracea !!!!! I have used it a lot since being diagnosed, Rosacea.
In the second half of my documentary the following antibiotics have been shown to be neuroprotective or improve the conditions of PD patients: doxycycline, minocycline, rifampicin, PAS, cycloserine, ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Additionally, the antibiotic category oxizolidinones include cycloserine and linezolid, and linezolid was originally developed to be a therapy for PD because of MAO activity. Linezolid was specifically made for PD and only later was it found to have antibiotic activity. Though most people reading my posts know I am pro amino acids, vitamins...the natural stuff....I am also for a low dose antibiotic cocktail trial to treat PD. I think it's time has come and the only question is which antibiotics at what dose.
Consider the conclusion of an article on ceftriaxone:
The β-lactam antibiotic ceftriaxone as a treatment for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and L- DOPA-induced dyskinesia in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats.
"Collectively, these data indicate that ceftriaxone may be a superior treatment for Parkinson’s
disease than L-DOPA."
The above article is the 6th one down in a .pdf form.
This is interesting. Doxycycline found to chelate iron and elsewhere I have read iron accumulates in the brain in PD patients.