One thing we are all going to do is die someday. Do you think about your own death any? I do, often. Let's not get into the pros and cons of any particular religion --PLEASE-- But I would like to make death a non-taboo subject here and discuss it, if you want.
My thoughts are these (among many others):
I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid of the processes of dying. What I fear most is the thought of drowning or choking. Like most all of us I just want to slip away peacefully in my sleep.
I worry about the sorrow my husband, grandchildren, and my son will endure....and my daughter-in-laws to some extent. I'm very, very close to my grandchildren and my son. I know when my mother died in 1987 I was traumatized and thought it was the worse thing that happened in my life up until my youngest Son died in 2011. He was 37. I can not begin to tell you how devastated I was and I hate the thought of my loved ones going through that agony.
I don't have any firm belief as to what follows this physical world, but I do believe there is something. I've read physics and metaphysics (not going to pretend I understood much of it) that this physical world is not what we perceive it to be. My greatest hope is that my essences (soul or whatever) will be able to be with those that I have loved and lost and also those that I have loved and left behind.
What are your thoughts? The picture is of my family less one husband and one daughter-in-law.