I have just started with the Dr. Hinz protocol. I am currently ramping up and I am at 14.4 grams. I am curious about others using this protocol. How much Mucuna you are taking? What are your costs per month, etc?
Dr Hinz: I have just started with the Dr... - Cure Parkinson's
Dr Hinz

14.4 grams of mucuna? Powder or extract. I just started last week on 800 mg extract (15% L Dopa ). Im feeling good here but i may experiment with 1200mg. Gets rid of my back muscle tightness and pain. I take it wih egcg.
Here is an article which tells how to optimize the absorption of EGCG using salmon oil and vitamin C.
How did you get the supplements from CHK direct without going through a healthcare professional ?
Nelo, If you haven't already done so, you can see my answer by scrolling almost to the bottom on:
Institute for Progressive Medicine you do not need a prescription their number is 949 600 5100
How do you know they're not hoaksters selling sawdust in pill capsules ? Are there any credentials or quality assurance standards evident at IPM, I wonder? I think I'll GOOGLE THEM. I love the idea of buying direct, as long as we get what we pay for. I'm sure you've already verified them, so part of this is simply my curiosity at work!
I have been treating myself with Mucuna along with siminet that the neuro prescribed, I found a Doctor in lakeland, Fl that treats with Mucuna and I have an appointment tomorrow. Will let you know the outcome. So far the Mucuna has been as effective as the siminet.
Hi, what is your status since last post -w Dr in Lakeland FL?
I tried the protocal but was unable to take it. There is many pills you have to take a day. I would get terrible indigestion and had trouble swallowing that may pills. At one point I was off my sinimet and was okay but could not go on with it.The Doctor was very helpful and tried different ways for me to take the pills. I am sure that it will help pd if you can follow through with it. So I am back to siniment,mucuna and the CBD along with RockSteady Boxing. I have a great trainer and I believe it really helps. Hope this is helpful.
are there any reputable MUCUNA suppliers on Amazon, I wonder ? Sounds like we can figure out what works on our own w the help of this group /community, here?
MUCUNA vs CBD for tremors? Seems MUCUNA hits source of the problem (dopa enhancer) and CBD is merely a symptom reliever / relaxant. Right?
Hi Nelo, When you started the protocol, was your memory affected at all as a side effect? My mom is not nauseous, but does feel a bit more forgetful.
I have memory problems, but I don't think it is caused by the protocol.