Hello, I need help ASAP I am loosing it, please does anyone know how long does it takes for Ecitalopram (Laxepro) to work for depression, I am falling deep down the hole. Help!!!
chicafromchitown: Hello, I need help ASAP I... - Cure Parkinson's

Hi Chica, I hardly come on this site anymore. My son (54 years old) got DX with PSP. It took 3 years from the onset of his PD symptoms to get the new DX. He had been told several times that he appeared to have atypical PD, but I did not realize the "hint" in that information.
My son was prescribed 5 mg of Lexapro (generic one) and started it on Feb 5, 2017. It took about 4 weeks for him to see any positive changes. He had HORRIBLE anxiety. His body would physically writhe for more than an hour. The lexapro brought it down to about 30 minutes, this ANXIETY was after each meal, but mostly after dinner........but then it came back. I asked for an increase to 10mg, but his neuro did not want to increase it because of recent changes in his meds.
Good luck.
How long have you been on Lexapro? I was on it for about 6 mths when I went thru a divorce & I think it took about 3 weeks. Have you talked to your doctor? You might try doing some meditation.
Chica, you don't say exactly what you're going through. But, I guess depression is depression....regardless of what's causing it. This isn't the site I usually visit....just stopped in.
I've dealt with family members taking anti depressants....it never works as fast as one would like it to. I know hours can seem like days sometimes.
I'm sorry to hear you're suffering. If you get feeling too desperate....perhaps an ER would be a good place to go. ( I'm in the states ). I'm sure you could get immediate help from a doctor. That would only be something temporary...but, maybe temporary is what you need right now. Your Lexapro will eventually click in and I'm sure your situation will seem more hopeful. I thought I'd never get through this afternoon....was in tears waiting for a pain med. Seemed like forever.
Life can seem difficult. I'll be praying for you, CJ
Hey Chica, When things started getting 'dark' in my PD adventure, I gave the natural serotonin booster 5-HTP a try (100mg 2xp/day AM/PM on empty stomach) and it made the diff for me. The PM dose, taken with 150mg of L-Theanine and a few mg of Melatonin, provides a smoother sleep.
Yes. Not sure where you're located but Amazon.com offers plenty of options and a peek via google will provide infinite sources of info. A good summary: life-enhancement.com/magazi...
Made my blood pressure out of control.p
Typically it could take anywhere from 2-4 weeks before u actually realize you're feeling more level ... in the meantime...
I suggest stay on bed rest, if you're able
If you wanna scream, then scream
If you wanna cry, then cry
Understand that what you're feeling is temporary and will pass
I fully understand how you feel
the only other thing I can suggest is if you're in a state of legalized marijuana
Get a script of 1:1 thc to cbd in vap form
It should take the edge off ....
I'm in the process of experimenting with the vap myself !
Don't hesitate to pm me here if u want !!
Hi Chica. I used to take escitalopram and I liked it. I found it hugely helpful. I can't remember how long it took to kick in but it wasn't very long at all. I'm on a different anti-depressant now, Cymbalta, because it's very effective in curbing nerve pain.
How long have you been taking escitalopram?
Hang in there, kiddo. My guess is, relief is around the corner.
Thank you, it's been only 10 days, now I don't know if my depression is due to withdrawals from stop taking Requip XL 12mg 2x day, my one Neuro took me off it then I went to another Neuro he decreased the dosage to 2mg 3x day then he put me on Escitalopram saying to me that I don't have PD (this is the third Neuro that tells me I don't have PD) One told me that it was chronic anxiety, then the second it was a Neurosurgeon that I went to see for spinal stenosis lumbar Radiculopathy I asked him how do you know? he said a PD person doesn't look like you, he meant that my only PD symptom is a left leg tremor, and legs stiffness. But if I stop taking Ropinorel my legs feel lighter. Could I have been drug-induced with PD? To which Neuro do I listen to? I am even going crazier now, I don't know what road to take, all I want to do is cry and cry..... Help!!!
Dearest Chica -- I've dealt with a lot of depression over the years and what I only recently realized was that I've also had a lot of anxiety and that made it so much worse. In fact, my anxiety may have caused my depression. I went to the ER once and the doc there gave me Ativan, and I felt so much better, not out of the depression but at least like I could tolerate it while the AD kicked in. Do you have something for your anxiety? My psydoc (who I came to after the ER visit) prescribed Ativan as a temporary support and it helped enormously. It wasn't hard to come off of as I did that very gradually. I do hope that the docs you've seen are right and you don't have PD. If you haven't already done so, you might try to get something prescribed for the anxiety, preferably for a short period, not long term.
I was told that Escitolopram (Lexapro) was for both? Thank you for your response.