So many weird symptoms With Pd. Was wondering if anyone has experienced floaters in eyes.?
Floaters in eyes.: So many weird symptoms... - Cure Parkinson's
Floaters in eyes.

Yes, oh yes, The appear from time to time, usually subside, at least did in my case.
Hi Opt8. I have very serious floaters in my eyes, but I did not know it has anything to do with Pd?
My husband is the one with Parkinson's and he has all sorts of trouble with his eyes, mainly being dry. However I am the one with the floaters, I'm 59, had them for a couple of years but otherwise in very good health. My optician said this is another one of the many things you get after a certain age!
@Berylijean66, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's 15 years ago but symptoms only became dfficile to put up with since about 6 years ago. As for eyes they become blury during each OFF period and this lasts about 1 1/2 hours until next ON period, the blurred vision is stronger as daylight comes to an end and under artificial light. It is most unpleasant as it is accompanied with brain fog and dizziness and is becoming worse with time. L-dopa 125 and Neupro 8 mg is all I take and during the short ON time procured by these drugs the bluryness weakens or can even dissappear.
Yes in one eye only I have masses of floaters like lava lamps that are particularly troublesome in bright sunlight. I was referred for tests but nothing could be done it seems other than wear very dark sunglasses when bright.
My husband was diagnosed 15 years ago and the last 5-6 years has developed very poor vision but no floaters. The vision problems came with the pd and nothing can be done. Not sure about floaters. I do think with age anyone can get them.
I just started getting a few, don't know if it's PD or age. I'm almost 60, diagnosed a little over 13 yrs ago.
Sensitivity to light and double vision are from PD, but anyone can get floaters, I have many friends who experience this.
My eye doctor said they are called ocular migraines. I don't know if that's the right term but that's what I was told.
Floaters are age related for everyone. It is not associated with PD. I've had them for years. The only time they can be bothersome for me is when I am staring at a computer screen.
I got tremendous floaters in my eyes. They were like big bugs and I thought they were real, and kept trying to swat them od my husband. I went to the eye doctor right away, and he immediately sent me to an eye surgeon. He diagnosed me with some weird name of bleeding in the eye. I had to keep getting special medicine injected into my eye. Good luck, yours probably is not like mine. I don't know what caused it.
yes i have them in both eyes but im not sure if it was the pk or my age im 70..ive had pk for about 5 years..but the floaters are recent..
Good question Opt8. I think you've answered it here as well. Not everything (although it is convenient) can be blamed on our PD! Even "normies" share some things with us!
I once had an eye Dr ask me if I had recently started taking vitamins or supplements ( which I had). because some vitamins will seep out into your eyes when your body has too much of that substance. Maybe that could also be true with the drugs we take?
Many weird symptoms indeed!!
I don't get floaters in my eyes, but sometimes my eyes burn badly.
Sometimes the left more than the right.
I use eye drops to alleviate the problem, and that helps.
Blessings, Eva G
I got them at age 40..way before PD..never notice .