I am on 25-200 sinemet 3 times per day. Is this considered a large dose? I don't have a lot of symptoms as of yet. Thank you.
Sinemet dose: I am on 25-200 sinemet... - Cure Parkinson's
Sinemet dose

I made a mistake the dose i am on is 25-250.
It is a starter dose. Sp it is small. you are taking 600 mg of levodopa the part of Sinemet that helps your PD. carbidopa helps with nausea.
I take 2400 mg a day.
Does anyone take close to this amount.
My mom take 25/100 - 5 times a day - i think they started her on a much higher dose she takes less now and we also give her mucana a few times . Sinemet has a lot of side effects,including horrible gastro intestinal effect - so try
to start with the minimal dose required .
I have a different view point from Bailey. There is no reason to take meds unless the symptoms are interferring with your everyday life. But also i dont think people should delay meds especially when PD is making exercising difficult. You need the dopamine to make your muscles work and give you strength.
My first neuro said he liked to verge on under treating and i agreed with this approach. Your neuro is the other way. He is verging on overtreating i would think though i shouldnt say that without knowing more. Are you on long acting or short acting Sinimet.? If its short acting then you are getting 750mg levadopa in 24 hours. I think thats quite a bit. About the same as I take after 8 years (plus i take other meds). Personally i would want to start on half that dose.
Here is some general info about meds
4.5 doses of 25/100 for me.
3 doses of 25/100 for me so far and no problems except for pain in my left foot lately.
Hi Dmariel. I am a well-known advocate of taking as little levodopa as possible, so bear in mind my feelings about taking levodopa, because it does nothing to slow the progression of the disease, it only possibly hides one or two of the symptoms. You may prefer to listen to somebody else.
I say, "If the levodopa has no immediate effect on any of your symptoms within a few days, then why take it?" I often hear patients say, "I told my doctor, so he increased my dose". If it still does nothing then I suggest they stop taking it, only do it slowly. I say I am not a doctor and the doctor should be handling this, but if it is getting nowhere, then go to another doctor. I believe that if a patient wants to come off levodopa it should be done slowly, and with his/her help!
Myth 4. “No response to Sinemet 25/100 three times a day is considered a non-responder.”
a.Each person should be treated individually and each may require a different dosage of Sinemet to get a response.
b.Some physicians fail to push the dose after it reaches 300 or 600 mg/day.
c.My “limit” is 2,000 mg/day.