Im afraid of stArting sinemet because of developing dyskinsia. Have bad tremor so far as far as syptoms go. Opinions? I have refused it so far but neuro still suggest it.
Sinemet: Im afraid of stArting sinemet... - Cure Parkinson's
I've been taking Sinemet (Parcopa) for approximately 9 years and have had very little dyskensia and very little, if any, side effects. With exercise and supplements, I've been able to keep my dosage at 4 per day. I would give it a try, it should help your tremors quite a bit.
I have been on 3 Sinemet a day for three years, always had a slight tremor
at rest in left hand, Sinemet has not worsened that, fatigue and balance have deteriorated though. good luck.
My husband has found Sinemet very important to keep his anxiety down and to feel less spacey., It also helps his restless leg syndrome. He doesn't have much in the way of tremors.
Today i ordered a small container that he can carry a couple of tablets in on his key chain, as it is very important for him to not skip a dose .He feels bad when he misses one and isn't home to take it. He takes 2 tabs 4 times a day.
He also sometimes supplements it with a bit of pot in his vapor pen.
I use a weekly pill box that has four compartments for each day that is removable. Since we live on two floors, the next days' pills go upstairs and I take the first medications, Rasagiline and Sinemet, upon awakening, at least a half hour before breakfast along with the six or so supplements, the the pills for the rest of the day go into my handbag so I can take the noon Sinemet a half hour before lunch no matter where I am. I just started Sinemet three times daily and am just getting used to the rule of no eating too close to meals. It's keeping me from snacking, which is good!
Sinemet has really helped. Tremors are virtually gone and energy is way up. I do have problems getting to sleep, though, but reluctant to take any more medications.
Im going to search for a medical marijuana doctor.
When we signed up for medical marijuana in California, it was done on line. We got a permit and that was it after he saw us on line and we paid a fee. We didn't talk to anyone. I don't know how one looks for a doctor actually familiar with diagnosing and treatment with marijuana. You could type into the address bar "doctors who treat patients with marijuana" and see what comes up.
Diagnosed 13 years ago.
Started with Sinemet four years later, no side effects and no dyskinesia, I've had to change to Stalevo and am now on five a day, still no side effects
Will sinemet make me sick in my stomach and keep me awake at nite
Try it and see. Some people feel. Nauseated at the start but not the majority. Some say dont take just before bed because it keeps you awake and some find sinimet makes them tired and sleepy.
Maybe maybe not you must try it. Expecting things can make them come true your mind is very powerful. People who expect the worse get what they expect and the reverse is also true.
I was nauseous on first day, but everyone is different. Sometimes I have very mild fleeting nausea with my first dose of the day, but half a dry biscuit stops it. The Parkinson's nurse prescribed Domperidone for anti nausea but I haven't had to take it. I do not take it at night which is probably why I feel worse in the morning, but feel like I can manage without.
Sinemet 25mg/100mg, 3 times per day
Kinda like being afraid to eat, because you might get gas
So why go to the Neruo at all, if you are just going to ignore him?
You are absolutely right. Keep doing what you are doing
One brick wall coming up very fast
Some support u r
What were you expecting ?
You asked for opinions
I gave you mine
I think you just wanted yours
We did this dance 8 months ago and again 3 months ago
I dont need any of your comments. Goodby!
You're doing fine. Don't worry too much, stress is bad for PD. This disease takes a lot of trial and error and you that's what you're doing. Just remember, there ate lots of meds for PD and they affect everyone differently. Some do not have any side effects.
When you ask for comments that's what you are going to get. Have a thick skin and don't take it personally. That said, as many similarities we have, we all respond to the same medication differently. Only through trial and error with your movement disorder specialist, will you find the right "recipe" that works for you.
For many PWP exercise is the best medicine. That is not true for every one. Some have mobility issues, while others are afflicted with soreness and outright pain.
There are many medications available. It's important to remember, it may take several months to find what works best for you. Give it time. PD isn't like an infection that will clear up in a week with antibiotics.
Good luck and keep moving.
I started Sinimet about 3 months ago. It is a transformation. Still drag my leg still a frozen shoulder still balance probs but much much less tired. Have to say the last six months have been a bit of a roller coaster. My diagnosis at this moment ,is PD, temperol lobe epilepsy, a reflux problem, Forminal narrowing of the spinal column in the kneck area, MGUS, damaged coxis, damaged lower back, deficient in Vitamin D .
All this sounds bad but at least I know now and there is a huge freedom in that. I am led to understand that an awful death awaits me. Well my sons have been briefed. When I can no longer feed myself I am to be left alone. If they don't follow up on this then I will come back and haunt them. Imagine ...a mother you can't put the phone down on. ..
As far as I understand and having seen my parents , particularly my father in his last couple of years , there is not much glory or dignity in old age anyway and at least I know what is going to happen
Two things that do also seem to make a difference so far are black cumin oil and lions mane mushroom.
Take the drug. In the beginning I was just like you. I didn't want to take drugs. I wouldn't even take a Tylenol. My body was slowly going downhill. I couldn't write my name, cut my meat, put the seatbelt on in the car, clap at performances, button my blouses, change the sheets on my bed, put the pillow case on my pillow. The list can go on and on. I visited with a movement specialist and he slowly got me on a drug regimen that works for me. I have my life back. I can do almost everything. My friends are amazed at how well I am doing. Enjoy the time you have. Take the drug!
Which drug...i started sinemet u for the encouragement. Do u have side effects and are u on 25/100?
Believe it or not I just got in from gardening. I watered both lawns pruned everything that was dead and did a general pick up. I am having eight ladies for dinner this evening. I prepare and host the evening on my own. Without drugs I don't know what I would be doing. I take 3 25/100 per day at 5 a.m., 10 a.m., and 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Along with that I take 1mg of mirapex 3 x per day, and 1 mg of Azilect at 5 a.m. This combination works well for me, I can't believe how well I am doing. I have no side effects. Find a Movement Specialist they specialize in PD. I was afraid, just like you, give it a try. Wishing you the very best! PS Don't forget to exercise
Renowife, since my MDS prescribed Sinemet 25-100 three times daily but did not specify times other than avoiding taking too close to meals,do you suggest moving the last pill up a bit, to maybe 4 pm since we eat sround 5:30? I am wondering if taking it then instead of at five pm will help with falling asleep. I take the others at around 6:30 am and 11 am.
That sounds great. I get up at 4:30 to 5:00 a.m., that is why I begin at 5:00. I do not eat one hour before and after my pill. Give it a try you can always make adjustments. Be well!
If u take it at 5 am when do u eat in between 5&10?
Talk to your doctor or PD nurse. It sounds like you are being titrated up slowly to the full prescribed dose. When to take the last pill of the day may depend on your normal bedtime. I was told to take 1/2 hour to one hour prior to meals or one hour after.
will taking my last dose of 1/2 25/100 at 7 pm will keep me awake ?
No one can answer your question with certainty. Please speak to your medical provider. I hope that taking the last dose one hour earlier and doing some gentle yoga relaxation poses will help me. Remember that everyone is different but side effects can be managed and for most of us, the drug vastly improves our quality of life.
It probably won't keep you awake, it may help relax you, at least calm your tremors. Sinemet usually only lasts about 3 or 4 hours. Do you usually sleep well at night?
If it only last 3-4 hrs then im spacing too far apart? 5am. 12noon. 7pm
Try to space as far apart as possible, but not too far to be uncomfortable, it's a fine line and each person is different and sometimes it depends on what you eat & how much. Mainly, you don't want to eat a lot of protein within an 1/2 hour to an hour before and after taking your meds. And...always drink plenty of water throughout the day.
I have been diagnosed for 2 1/2 years and have taken 25/100 sinemet three times a day. I have had no side effects. I do think that my handwriting which had gotten very small before diagnosis but improved 100% after starting sinemet is starting to look smaller. If I think about it as I write it usually looks good though. I do exercise a lot and think that helps increase natural dopamine. I also think probiotics are helping me a lot--I started them long before diagnosis though which may have given me a healthier gut to begin with. The probiotics may have kept me from getting any nausea which some get with sinemet.
I'm taking Sinmet 5x a day (2-25/100) From the day I started taking it, my shaking went away. We all need Dopamine too little is worse than too much. I take a Dopamine agonist as well. If you start to get Dyskinisia, you can always back up on the Sinmet.
My husband has been on Sinemet for at least 5 years and has no dyskensia.
I don't know, as I said, how to find a medical marijuana doctor. Can you go to shops that sell medical marijuana? Here where I live, the product has to be delivered to my door, but you can get advise on what works for a problem from a real person in ships. I have found that a good CBD helps me relax when i am upset, as does CBD or regular marijuana for my husband with PD. He doesn't like smoking the stuff when that is the form he is using, but he does it to feel better.