Hi, I am new to this site. I have had Parkinson's since Oct 2005. I live on my own, I think this is probably best for me.
New: Hi, I am new to this site. I have had... - Cure Parkinson's

Welcome, I discovered this site about 3weeks ago and I am astounded at the wealth of knowledge and cool PD Buddies I have made.

Hi, Sirshakes,
I imagine that I have quite a lot of reseaching the posts, to see if I can learn something.
Welcome! This site gives you all kinds of information on meds, exercise, supplements, etc. One thing to remember is every PwP (Person with Parkinson's) is different so what works for one might not work for another, but then it might! We are all fighting this together!
Andy, will you be posting your music where we can hear it? I have a son who is a musician -- I know how these days everyone expects music to be free, so will gladly pay for the privilege. As Eva, one of my favorite people on this site, says, creativity is the foe of Parkinson's -- vaporizes the blues as well as the wretched inertia. That and exercise.
Hi Beckey,
I think you might like to hear a sample first, it is a bit dark. Although, it doesn't refect my mood, as I am a reasonably optimstic person.
The idea is to raise some money for Parkinson's, the album will be ready by 1st October, I hope.
You are correct, fatigue is the worst thing, and the inability to do things.
Apparently the type of workout boxers do -- high-intensity in quick intervals -- has a neuroprotective benefit. Some reps from Rock Steady Boxing came to UCSF to do a presentation and the neurologists were knocked out -- my neuro among them. She talked me into going (as did some of my pals on this site). Ever since I've been going I've felt more balanced and stronger, although I haven't lost my right side tremor. Some people have enjoyed a reversal of some symptoms. The reason I mention it to you is, my mood shot up, and if I go three times a week, it stays up. If I start missing sessions, I start to wilt.
Hey Andy, I just discovered you are a musician. Guess what, I am not but I have a friend with Parkinson's who is. His name is Mick Beaman. His music has a very haunting feel to it. If you go to his website and you see someone who looks like Robert Downy Jr. you have found the right site. I was wondering if you had a website with your music.

Hi Sirshakes,
Thanks, I will look him up. I have an album that will be produced and ready by 1st October, I hope.
I am not sure "musician" would be the right way to describe me, but I am a singer/songwriter. The lyrics are a bit dark, but they deal with having Parkinson's.
It's alright to be upbeat with Parkinson's but I think it's alright to share the garbage your going through too. The aches, pains, the phantoms you fight at night, the hand full of Meds you take each day just to appear normal. I hear there is a singer named Taylor Swift who has made millions just singing about Break Ups. Think how much your songs will be worth. Just don't dwell to long on the dark side.
I'm not a dark person, I'm actually quite upbeat and positive, I just write dark songs. I'm not sure how much garbage people really want to hear, I guess I will find out. As long as it doesn't stir up more dark songs.
{ Harry Chapin Taxi } - {Pearl Jam - Jeremy} - {Rolling Stones - Painted Black} { Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night } okay maybe not that one. { Amazing Grace - John Newton } Dark but with a great big dose of Hope.

That is quite an impressive list of artists to follow, but I'll do my best. I am very pleased with the album though, just have to wait for the mixing and mastering to be completed now. The aim is to raise money for Parkinson's, and awareness of living with the disease.
A big THANK YOU to you and all of you out there who spend your money and your time to forward the advancement to a cure for Parkinson's.
Hello Andy! These are great people on here and they teach me so much to share with my parents... My dad has PD. And his grandson (our son) is a musician too. Looking forward to your album...such a good idea to share your heart and life through song. I'm sure it helps you to write, and I also imagine it will bless many PwP. Welcome!
Hi Andyij,
I liked your post. You feel safe living alone having PD? Do you have any Dystonia issues? I would like to live alone again, I think it might make me happier, but the fear of dealing with really bad Dystonia attacks hold me back.
Thanks for your post.
Best wishes, DF

This may be difficult for you, given the dystonia attacks. I get reallly bad bradykinesia in the mornings, but once my meds kick in I am generally fine. It depends on how much help you may need during the attacks. I would be such a grouch if I were living with someone else, I am certain of that.