My husband has PD and suffers from mucus in throat at night as soon as he lies down. Any solutions?
Mucus at night: My husband has PD and... - Cure Parkinson's
Mucus at night

Hello Shirleyam
Does he get choked a lot at night. If he does it could just be PD. PWP don't have more saliva we just don't swallow as often. Also our muscle don't react as fast so our windpipe does not react fast enough to stop saliva so we choke.
I use to choke at night but a increase in meds and a lot of exercise i do not get choked any more.
Hope this helps
Thank you for your reply. He doesn't choke, but it wakes him up. He does exercise a lot. Do you do special exercises for swallowing? Cutting back on dairy products as someone else suggested. He has been having ice cream at night so am hoping that will help.
no just general exercise
Ice cream or milk will cause me to have mucus.
Cutting back on dairy products before bed will help. Maybe an antihistamine to dry up his sinus could help.
No dairy food of any kind or crumbly bits before bed . .
Does he use thickener in anything liquid ..
You can get Meds to help but they can cause hallucinations . John has glycopperate which did help but only for a short time .
Omit dairy products and chocolate in the evening + drink water. Try to have a productive cough last thing. In bed lay semi-prone (recovery position). Oblas oil can be useful sometimes.
Sorry, that should read Olbas oil.
That's good , it can be frightening
My husband's family doctor suggested honey,lemon and a little cinnamon in warm water to help with mucus.