As a non-scientific person who cannot claim even a rudimentary understanding of this illness and the brain I still think a lot.
I read very little but the small snippets I do all talk of The brain re-routing information along different neuro pathways when it gets stuck .
In a simplistic way I guess this would account for some of the sucessful solutions I use when I get stuck. In that I try and instruct myself in different ways or distract my Parkinsons so that I can get something done .
I am also aware that the brain learns these new tricks and they become ineffective after a while. Example if I Count out loud when I'm walking it works for a bit when it stops working I start counting in French My walking starts again.
And so on.
I have always been curious probing question asking interested in everything around me . I talk to as many people as I can I love information finding things out learning engaging. I love change I love challenge I go out of my way to step out of my comfort zone. I do new things all the time . I accept invitations to things I have no interest in on the basis that I might discover something I do like. I rarely say no.
All of this does make me wonder if that is why I have been so well for so long maybe my brain fires up many pathways and networks all the time simply because of my actions .
I have been called a butterfly because of all the different projects I immerse myself in and because I flit from one to the other. It isn't frustrating because I do get things finished and when I have done I simply start something new and something different. May be my butterfly brain is the right kind of brain to deal with this condition who knows.
It's Friday have a great weekend I know I will husband is home yippeeeee !